On either side of the Chancel Arch stand two monoliths bearing coats of arms. When the Vandal invasion of the Churchyard took place in 1906 it seemed wise to remove them from their position against the Churchyard due East of the Vestry door, to a place of safety.

The arms on the one on the North side, were then identified as being those of the Nottinghamshire family of Plumptre. Heraldry came to our aid with regard to the beast depicted on the other, and there is little doubt that we have here the TOMBSTONES OF TWO FORMER VICARS—Septimus Plumptre and James Badger. Badger was a careful scribe, and never were the Registers better kept than during his Vicariate.

PLATE VII. Stone Effigy in South Aisle, circ. 1350, probably of a Pierrepoint.
PLATE VII. Stone Effigy in South Aisle, circ. 1350, probably of a Pierrepoint.

In June, 1874, Mr. M. H. Bloxam stayed a few days in West Gate as the guest of Dr. Godfrey. On the 23rd of June he sent Mrs. Godfrey the following characteristic and valuable description of THE MONUMENTAL EFFIGY IN MANSFIELD CHURCH.
"Under a plain segmental-shaped arch in the South wall of the South Aisle of the Church, on a raised tomb of plain masonry, is the recumbent effigy, sculptured in stone, of a Civilian Frankeleine, or Squire, of the middle of the fourteenth century, Circa A.D. 1350. The body of the Church was rebuilt about that period, and I cannot but conceive that this effigy is commemorative of one who took an active part in the work. His head is bare, with flowing locks, his face close shave, his dress, apparently a summer habit, consists simply of a tunic or coat reaching nearly to the insteps, buttoned down the front of the breast to about the loins, with a plain belt girt about the loins, the extremity of which, adjusted under the part buckled, falls gracefully downwards. The arms rest at right angles on the breast, and the hands are upraised horizontally in prayer; the sleeves are close buttoned from the elbows to the wrists. The dress would be described in ancient documents as "tunica botonata cum manicis botonatis." The length of the tunic is three feet four inches. The feet are enclosed in boots of the usual 14th century type, pointed at the toes, and rest against a lion. On either side of the head, which reposes on a double cushion, lozenge-shaped above, square below, is an angel with expanded wings. The neck of the effigy is bare; it has neither capacium or hood or supertunic. The length of the effigy is 5ft. This effigy has long been attributed by tradition to Lady Flogan, a benefactress to Mansfield, who died Circa A.D. 1520, at least 170 years after the effigy appears to have been executed."

The fact that a facsimile effigy lies in the South Aisle of Holme Pierrepont Church, points to the conclusion that the memorial in our Church is to a Pierrepont. It is of white Mansfield stone.

Mr. E. S. Prior, writing on Mediaeval Figure Sculpture, states there was at Nottingham in the XIV. Century a School of Sculpture, whose works lie scattered about the Midlands.

There can he little doubt that both effigies came from the same workshop.

In 1489 Sir Henry Pierrepont left his lands in Mansfield to Roger Pierrpont. This Roger Pierrepont witnessed Cicely Flogan's will, and was one of her Trustees—this was in 1520, but the effigy speaks of a connection 170 years anterior to this.

Thoroton may surely be pardoned for hastily connecting the effigy with Dame Flogan—an opinion, however, so deeply rooted in the minds of old Mansfield folk, that it will die hard.

The AMBRY and PISCINA in the South Aisle are of interest inasmuch as they were attached to the Altar of St. Lawrence, which John Porter, as chantry priest, served through the reign of Henry VIII., and which was so well endowed by Dame Flogan. He remained on as Assistant Curate and clung to the endowment throughout the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth.

Of STAINED GLASS there is none older than 1870, save five of the figures in the East window, viz., Our Blessed Lord on the Cross, S. Michael, S. Paul, and S. John, which have been very cleverly incorporated in the modern glass.

The INCISED SLABS in the two porches, together with the very perfect one by the side of the High Altar, are all of the XIII. Century.

Extracts from Records Bearing on the Church.

1171 Decree of Pope Alexander that yearly both Clergy and Laity of Notts, should at the Feast of Pentecost attend the Church of S. Mary, Southwell, in solemn procession, with a Pentecostal offering for every Parish and Hamlet in the County. This year Mansfield 4s. 8d.; Nottingham 13s. 4d.
1291 In the Taxatio (l) of Pope Nicholas (an inventory made of all Ecclesiastical benefices) the Prior of Thurgarton is collector for Notts.
The Rectory of Mansfield is put down at £26 13s. 4d.
The Vicarage of Mansfield is put down at £5.
1377 Richard II. granted a Fair to the Men of Mansfield to be holden yearly on the Feast of S. Peter.
1462 The Vicar of Mansfield presented by the jury to keep a lamp burning on the High Altar during the time of Mass, and that the lands and tenements in the hold of W. Fulljambe were given for the same.
1468 Restwaight (m) presented by the jury to hold to the use of the Church one tenement with certain acres of land, the tenements of John Morehouse, lying on both sides of the same, and that it should now come to James Hinton, the Vicar there, for his maintenance.
In 1536 Hen. VIII caused a survey to be made of all Church property for the purpose of correcting the sums due henceforth to the Crown for first fruits and tenths.

This inventory was called the VALOR ECCLESIASTI-
CUS. Subscribed is the entry therein concerning
Mansfield. Vicar—Will'mus Clarke
Sed ecclea de Mansfelde appr ecclei Cath., }
Lincoln. }
Valet in mansione ibm per annu vis. viiid. in }
decimis paschalibus comunibus annis iiij£. in }
pecuniis vocat Lloly bred silver vis. viiid. in }
oblacoibz per iiiior dies xls. in porcellis }
aucis pullis et ovis comunibus annis vis., } £vii viis. vid
viiid., in decimis lini et canabi communibus }
annis iiiis. in decimis feni et toftorum iis., }
et in alls oblaconibus xiiiis. in toto viii£ }
Inde fol annuatim archiepo Ebor pro sino- }
dalibus vs. et archino Nott.' pro procur' viis. }
vid. Et rem (remainder). }
Tax on it. xiiii. ix.

1548 About ten years after completing his ecclesiastical survey, i.e., 1546, Henry VIII. decided on appropriating the revenues belonging to Collegiate Churches and Chantries. As a preliminary measure to their sale, he appointed a Commission to re-value this property and to take an inventory of the Chattels. The reports or "Certificates furnished by Henry's Commission with respect to the different Chantries are preserved at the Public Record Office, from which we have obtained the subscribed.

Needless to say, the rolls on which are preserved these inventories are invaluable, as supplying full particulars regarding the Chantries, appropriated by the Crown at the Reformation.


Com. Nott. THE CERTIFICATE OF SIR GIERDAYCE CLIFTON, SIR JOHN MERSEY, SIR ANTONYE NEVILE, Knightes, and William Bolles, Esquyer, Appointed amonges other for the Surveye of Collegies, Chaunteries, ffree Chapilles, Guyldes, ffraternities, and suche like in the saide Countie of Nottingham, Aswell of all and singular suche Collegies, Chauntries, ffre chappelles, Brotherheddes, ffraternities, Guyldes, and other things w-t-in the said Countie of Nottingham, Whiche oughte and be comen vnto the Kinges Majesties handes by vertue of an Acte of parliament, Begon and holden at Westm : the iiijth daie of Novembre, in the ffurste yere of his Maiesties Reigne. As also the yerely Valiewes Condicions estate and defre of the same and every of them according to the tenor purporte and effecte of his hignes Commission and enstructions to vs the said Commissyoners and other in that bihalf Directed Bering date the xiiij daie of ffebruar in the seconde yere of the Raigne of or said souveraigne lorde Edwarde the Sixte by the grace of god king of Inglande ffraunce and Yrelande Defendour of the ffaithe and in erthe of the Church of Inglande and Yrelande Supreme hedde (N).

Broystowe hundrede 6 ffounded by Sysley fflogan widowe to mayntaine a prieste to sing masses for terme of certain yeres Ys worthe by yere during the saide terme in landes and tentes graunted by copy of courte Roll lying and being in sondry places w-t-in the said Towne As by the Survey thereof made particularly it doth appere.
The Stypendary of Mannsfelde in Sherewood for terme of yeres. cvjs. viiijd.

Due vnto John Porter Incumbent there of thage of liiij yeres vnlerned (O) having none other promotion clere yerely wt-out paying any rent resolute.
PREACHER Scole master of the poore Relieved by this Chauntery None
GOODES or Ornamentes coming to the kinges maiestie by Reason herof None
Memord. After thende and terms of lxxxxix yeres begynning in anno vij Regis Henr. viij. Theise parcells before mentioned being but Copyholde as in Reversion to theyres off the sayd Syssley fflogan.

1553 THE GREAT PILLAGE. Monastic lands and Chantry Endowments had not satisfied the rapacious appetites of the King and Nobles. The rich had gone raving mad with the lust of gain. The Church must be stript still further (p). Had the boy King lived much longer probably the bare Church walls would have been used as quarries.
However, in 1552, a Commission was appointed to instruct local committees to make a survey and seize all the goods, plate, jewels, and ornaments of the Parish Churches, " Leving nevir the less in every parishe churche or chappell of common resorte two or more challesis or cupps according to the multitude of the people, and also such other ornaments as by their direction shall seme requisite for the devyne servyce."
A Church was also permitted to retain a cover for the Communion Table, and a surplice for the Minister ; the residue of the linen ornaments were to be distributed among the poor of the parish, but all copes, vestments, altar cloths, etc., were ordered to be sold for the King's use.

The returns made by the commissioners appointed by King Edward VI., of the Church goods are preserved in the Public Record Office, London. The returns for Nottinghamshire are nearly all extant, and are of great interest, showing as they do, the amount of furniture existing in the Churches several years after Henry VIII. cast off the Roman yoke.

The Vth day of September ano Edward dij Syxtij ye Syxt yere, the invytorye of ye Chyrche goods of Mansfield made by John Chambers, Wyll'm Wyld, Chyrchwardens, Wyll'm Reyvell, John Spetyllhouse, Wyll'm bowlsowre, petr Hatfyld, as foloythe :—
Inpinnis a Chalys wt a cover p'seu gylte (i.e., gilt in the inside) wt a pyx of couper.
Ib. A sewte of vestmentes of porple chamlet.
Ib. A sewte of vestmentes of grene silk wt Towrys of Gol.
Ib. A grene cope wt an orfrey of wyte velvet.
Ib. A Cope of changable sylke wt an orfrey of wyte fostyon.
Ib. A cope of sylke wt an orfrey of fostyon wrought wt straps.
Ib. A blacke dyrge Cope of worsstyd wt a green orfrey.
Ib. A vestmente wt brod flowrys of Crewlys wythe an owbe (albe).
Ib. iij belles, one of them was a mornymass bell.
Ib. ij Candylstyckes yt stod of ye awter.
Ib. A payre of sensors of cowper.
Ib. A hand bell wt a hale watr fatt (i.e. a holy water vat).
Item a bell wanting, sold afore the last inventoyre, and the towne bounde to answer the value.
Bounde to answere
for this bell by
recog in x. L.
Johes Chambers
Willms Wylde
Willms Revel
Johes Spitlehouse
Wilms Bolsov
Petrus Hatfield
de Mansfield.

The above interesting inventory shows that there must have been a considerable reduction in Mansfield. The custodians of the churches knew that they were about to be robbed, and in many cases hid their treasures until the storm was over.

No Parish Church was allowed to retain more than one bell. The beautiful art of campanology nearly died out as the result of this wholesale spoliation (Jessop, before the Great Pillage, p. 67).

1552† April 5th. The Feoffees of Oliver Dand make over to Churchwardens a Cottage lying by Churchyard, and land for the purposes of a School.
1557 King Philip and Queen Mary grant by Letters Patent to the Vicar and Churchwardens (see p. 48):—
1. Dame Flogan's estate for the unexpired period of 58 years.
2. The estate leased from the Chapter of Southwell.
3. Other lands given by the faithful.
Christopher Granger Clark, Vicar. William Wilde and John Chambers, Churchwardens.
1561† March 8th. Queen Elizabeth's Charter to Vicar and Churchwardens to act as a Corporation to hold land, etc., for School purposes.
1564† December 17th. Roger Greenhall, of Teversal, left £50 for his son-in-law, Francis Molyneux, to invest in land to be held by School Corporation.
1634 Churchwardens' Book. Inventory of Goods. (Harrod). A desk to which was chained " the Book of Martyrs." A communion table with a covering of buckram. Two holland napkins and a dozen of trenchers. Fourteen leathern buckets marked with M.S. Several loose sermons. Five bells. A clock and chimes ; two hand dials to the clock (x). A bowl or chalice for the Communion, the cover of which was lost in the time of Mr. Bryan Brittan, Vicar.

1634 (Harrod.) Received for the repairs of the Vestry the chief rents, viz.:—
£ s. d.
Mansfield Town 7 6 3
Sutton 6 0 0
Woodhouse 4 6 7
Nettleworth 0 13 4
Scrofton 1 4 6
Budby 2 0 0
Radmonthwaite and Pleasley Hill. 0 18 0
Warsop 0 4 5
£22 13 0

N.B.—The Vestry at the East end of the Church is very ancient. Note, at the South side of the High Altar, the doorway, over which is an ogee arch. It May be Norman or Early English.

In the "Gentleman's Magazine," 1795, there is an engraving of the Church with this Vestry in ruins notwithstanding the repairs of 1634!

1650 Parliamentary Inquisition. The Commissioners sat at the Shire Hall, Nottingham. Report on Mansfield :— ' The impropriate RECTORY of Mansfield, worth one hundred, seventie, and five pounds per annum, issueing out of Mansfield and Skegby, whereof Sir Thomas Black-well, Knight, or his assigns, receive one hundred and five pounds to his or their use ; Rowland Dand, twentie pounds ; and Mrs. Annie Wagstaffe receives ffiftie pounds, remainder of the said one hundred seaventie and five pounds, to her own use.
The Vicaridge of Mansfield worth thirty younds per annum, but they have no minister there at present, other there or at Skegby." (Extract from the Library at Lambeth Palace.)
1698 The following is an extract made from Parish accounts of Robert Baskerville, Churchwarden for the year 1698 :—
£ s. d.
June 10 —Paid to ye Apparitor for ye Pentecostal offerings at Southwell 0 5 10
P'd Mr. Crabtree for Bread and Drink at ye Perambulation 0 10 6
Aug. 23 —P'd for 6 Hedgehogs 0 0 6
Sept. 3 —P'd Will Baguley, ye Dog-whipper 0 2 6
20 —P'd Marquess Harrington's Huntsman for a Fox 0 1 0
Oct. 28 —P'd for Ale at giving up ye late Churchwarden's Accounts 0 4 0
Nov. 5 —P'd ye Ringers on Gunpowder Treason day 0 5 0
Dec. 14 —P'd for Ale at Elm Tree at ye Exclusion of School 0 9 6
Jan. 2 —P'd ye Ringers for Christmas Day and New Year's Day 0 5 0
Mar. 31 —P'd Will. Baguley ye Dog-whipper 0 2 6

£ s. d.
April 10 —P'd on Easter Munday at Elm Tree for meat and drink 1 3 0
11 —P'd for Ringing on ye King's Coronation Day 0 2 6
May 8 —P'd Peter Jackson for Collaring ye Church and repairing ye School Chamber floor 0 9 10

The Churchwarden's Book, alas ! is not now forthcoming.

The above is an extract from a pamphlet published in the early part of last century, attempting to prove that it had never been customary to levy a Church rate in Mansfield.

1682 "Firth's Agreement," a copy of which may be seen in Harrod, p. 21-22 (see p. 46). Clause 3 of this Agreement provided that the surplus of the rents belonging to either the Church or School Corporation shall be disposed of to the use of the Church and School, as the Vicar and Churchwardens, with the advice of the major part of the assistants shall think fit. This Clause provided a fund for the repairs of both Church and School.
1762 The Churchyard enlarged by the addition of the close between the School and Wragg's Court (see Tombstone of Churchwarden by Vestry door).
1817 Terrier :—
1. The Dwelling House containing 4 sitting rooms and ten bedrooms (Y).
2. Stabling for 2 Horses. Coach House. Pleasure Garden.
3. One Stable in the Churchyard adjoining the Free Grammar School.
4. One close called the Vicar's Close, about 4 acres, but as this Field pays yearly to the Vicar and Churchwardens (Governors of Church and School) the sum of 22s., it appears from Ancient Records that only a part of it is Vicarial possession.
5. The present Vicar receives only the Tythes of Piggs, Eggs, and a moiety of potatoes. The Endowment is missing.
6. Easter offerings : 5d. in the £ on servants' wages ; 2d. each Communicant ; 3½d. each house.
7. The Vicar and Churchwardens allow £28 out of their estates for the necessary uses of the Churchwardens. What more is wanted is raised by a Church Rate.
1832 Holy Rood Day. A riot in Mansfield caused by the desecration of the Churchyard when Kirkgate was widened (see inscription on Gate-post).
1861 The Royal Free Grammar School acquired by exchange for the purposes of an Elementary Church School.

(I) In 1288 Pope Nicholas granted the tenths and first fruits for six years to Edward I. towards defraying the expenses of a Crusade. In 1236 an Indulgence granted to all who would be present at the dedication of two Altars—B.V. M and S. Katharine, S.S. William and Margaret.
(M) Thos. Ristwit was Vicar 1409-1437.
(N) The unfortunate title of Head of the Church borne by Henry VIII., Edward VI.', and for a while by Mary, but by no succeeding Monarch. The Church has only One Head—the Lord Jesus Christ. Edward and Mary added "in Earth."
(O) Unlearned. This may or may not be a calumny. As a rule chantrey priests were expected to assist in the services of the Church, visit the sick, and teach certain children of the neighbourhood. The confiscation of the chantrey endowment was therefore a peculiar hardship, as it deprived the Parish of the services of an Assistant Curate.
(P) Even the poorest village Churches in the pre-Reformation days were simply overflowing with wealth and objects of beauty, which loving hands had gathered together to adorn God's House, and to make it the best and brightest spot in their little world. Page 2, Gasquet, "The Eve of the Reformation." The Church was the centre and soul of the life of the people.
(†) Grammar School References.
(X) N.B.—There were only three Bells in 1552.
(Y) The old Vicarage next the Church was built about 1700.