Sunday Schools. According to the 106th Annual Report of the  Nottingham Sunday School Union, there were in 1915, in association with that body, eight Schools in Beeston, having 150 teachers and 1,072 scholars. Several of the schools have training classes for the teachers, the newer methods of instruction requiring a weekly class, and where grading has been attempted the training class is usually adopted. At the end of 1915 seventy-five teachers and scholars had joined the forces.

Roman Catholic.—In 1898 the Rev. Canon Douglas started a mission, and eventually built a small church dedicated to St. Peter.

The Men's Sunday Guild meet in the Church Street School Rooms.

The Great War has taught us many valuable lessons, and among them is that in the awful realities through which we nationally as well as locally have passed, and are still passing, the differences of party and sect sink into utter insignificance, and the great fundamentals of reverence and worship, justice and mercy, truth and benevolence are the great objects for which we must strive.

The religious bodies in Beeston are many, and the opinions of their adherents vary as do their features, for God has so arranged their minds and bodies that no two are alike, but all the men, women and children in Beeston whose hearts God has touched with His own love, and whose eyes have been opened to eternal realities, have only one Captain, one chart, and one destination. Their colours are outside decorations, and the awful events of the war have shown as never before that there is only one source of comfort for bleeding hearts and desolate homes; one power that can make the warrior brave to bear all the trials of a terrible campaign; to face death on the battle field, or lingering suffering in the hospital. As our hearts go out in sympathy to the six hundred or more homes in Beeston from which a loved one has departed to the seat of war, we realize the mighty power of a sense of duty, of patriotism, of self-surrender and self-sacrifice causing them to exclaim "I must go." "Greater love hath no man than this." And it is a wondrous comfort to know that whether the man starving an d suffering on the battle field, or women and children sympathizing, waiting, hoping and praying in the Beeston homes, there is the same personal God, knowing, loving and helping; the same Great High Priest, touched with the feeling of our infirmities; the same power and grace aiding at both ends, forming an universal and eternal bond of union. It is the business of the Christian men and women in Beeston to bear witness to this great and helpful power for the benefit of those who know it not, and to let them know that this treasure has not to be fetched from the ends of the earth, or bought at a great cost, or earned by a wearisome pilgrimage, but is the Water of Life laid on to every house in the parish, and available without cost on turning on the tap of repentance and faith and hope This divine gift has during the war developed an amount of sympathy larger than ever before, for each recipient has been stretching his or her arms of helpfulness like the arms of God, and the bonds of sects, parties, and even nationalities have burst, not by destroying differences, or organizations, but bythe exercise of sympathy in working agreement, of individual, mutual and combined helpfulness.

Schools. For many years there were in Beeston the usual Dames  Schools for children whose parents were able to pay the fees. One of the oldest recorded school-masters was Charles Marshall, a superior teacher, whose handwriting the Rev T. J. Oldrini says, was "really superb, not to be surpassed by copper plate itself." He taught the three R's very successfully, and obtained the respect and love of his numerous pupils. He used the ferule pretty freely, as was customary in those days, and probably for the good of the boys. He took an active interest in the parish, and was invaluable as churchwarden. He served with credit as a volunteer in Lord Middleton's corps. Mr. W. Roberts has an "Inventory and Valuation" of every tenement in Beeston, giving the names of the owner, occupier, description, value, etc., in the handwriting of Mr. Marshall, and made in 1807. He died in 1824, aged 69. In 1831 there was a School for the education of sixty poor girls, supported by Miss Evans, of Lenton Grove. In the Directory of 1831, Louisa Broadhurst appears as a schoolmistress, William Marshall as schoolmaster, and the Rev. B. Abbott as conducting a Baptist school, he being their minister, 1825-83.

The National School was built by the Rev. John Wolley in 1834, the centre part being for the residence of the master, and the scholars were in the wings of the building. It was subsequently enlarged by the addition of an infants' classroom. Mr. John Pierrepont was head teacher in 1869, and for ten years. It continued its work until 1888, the premises being afterwards used for parochial meetings, men's institute, band of hope, etc.

There were in 1844 two boarding and day schools. The Misses Barker had a ladies' boarding and day school in the early eighties. Miss Barker was a very useful village and church worker; she opened a mission room at the Ryelands.

The Wesleyans had a day school for boys, girls and infants in Chapel Street, the head teacher being Mr. Mortimer, who continued until the Nether Street Council Schools were opened, he being then transferred to that school. The Education Department had required an outlay on the old school buildings if continued; they were closed, and have since been used as a mission hall by the Salvation Army, and as a masonic hall. The school fees were commonly 3d. or 4d. per week.

Mr. Gill, when he bad the silk mill, had a schoolroom for girls who were taught on alternate days, and the other days working in the mill. This school was maintained for some years by Mr. John Watson, and afterwards by Mr. Sam. Watson, and was well conducted until the death of Miss Cowell, the teacher, who rendered very good service in the parish.

A School Board was formed in 1880, and that body in 1882 built the Church Street Schools on land costing 10/6 per square yard, with accommodation for 350 children, the cost being £5,241. These Schools have been enlarged by class rooms and cloak rooms for a total accommodation of 951 children. The Nether Street Schools were built on 1a. 2r. 29p. of land, purchased in 1896, for £1,212, the cost of the erection being £13,212, including a school special subjects centre, and caretaker's house, with provision for 1002 children. They were opened in 1898.

The amount owing on loans contracted for building the schools stood, on March 81st, 1916, at £15,570, which is being repaid byabout £500 per year, in addition to about £521 for interest.

In 1903 the operations of the School Board ceased, being transferred to the County Council, whose education committee and the minor authority appointed nine managers, by whom the schools have been since controlled.

At West End House Miss Homer has a private school for boys and girls.

There is a stream of young people wisely taking advantage of the educational facilities in Nottingham, in the advanced schools and University College.

It is very pleasing to thoughtful minds to notice the gradual improvement and adaptation of methods of instruction, for infants are now in the best schools taught learning by doing, and the classes more advanced are taught not merely for the development of the brain but for the all-round training of the whole being: the eye and powers of observation, the hand with its skill, the heart and its sympathies, the memory and its cultivation, the body with its healthy food and exercise, the conscience and its responsibility to God, the passions and their control, the duties of citizenship, and the claims of the country to service and sacrifice, the comfort of the home promoted by thrift, helpfulness and cleanliness, a knowledge of domestic duties and sanitation, so that the entire being may be the better fitted in after life to discharge all the duties of men and women. This is the only true and enduring education, and its results will be attained not by an increased course of studies, for that is as to the great mass of the children overburdened already, but by a higher tone and aim, with more thought development, greater persistency, and home lessons for the higher standards ; with greater statutory powers for chastisement in order to secure life discipline, with continuation classes having compulsory powers for attendance, and this not only for the boys, but every girl must be required to learn as to household management and duties, cooking, sewing, washing and nursing. The next generation will be all the better for it.

Nature study and observation are for children among the best parts of education and recreation, and it may well be pointed out to them, not only the beautiful scenery by the Trent, but how charmingly undulating the ground is on the northern side of Beeston parish, which characteristic extends to Lenton on the East, to Wollaton on the North, and to Chilwell and Bramcote on the West. Here there are several springs, forming brooks, two such being in the field south of Beeston House, and the Tottle Brook flowing from the uplands, regarded in the olden times as having beneficent medical qualities. In the hedgerows there are an unusual number of trees, some of them, particularly the elms, being of fine dimensions, and the favourite haunts of rooks, even near to houses. The owners of country seats have added to the pleasure of beautiful scenery by the planting of varied specimens that seem to have a delight to grow with favoured soils, air, and water In the grounds of Beeston Fields is an exceptionally fine tulip tree, and a camelia is growing in the open to a height of over 18 feet, which, so far north as Notts., is probably a record.

From trees to birds is not far to travel. Probably the most numerous of the larger-sized of small birds are the thrushes, who value the protection of the trees and shrubs the parish affords, but the chaffinches, blackbirds, starlings (and by the Trent herons and often sea-gulls), and in addition the rarer migratory birds, such as nightingales, etc., are well represented. Sparrows are, of course, everywhere. Some of ths owners of shrubberies take a pleasure in providing nesting-boxes. Mrs. Harold Bowden (who, by-the-bye, is the daughter of that well-known naturalist, Josh. Whitaker, Esq., of Rainworth), has boxes for little owls near to the house, and for barn owls. It may be noted that Beeston is well situate for observations as to the migration of birds. For instance, large flocks of wild geese may be observed passing northward in spring and southward in autumn; and while dealing with Natural History it is surely proper that bees should associate in a "Bees-town," and the more so as the Urban District Council has adopted a bee-hive as a part of the inscription on its seal. It is, therefore, not surprising to find, as reported by Mr. George Hayes, the well-known lecturer on Bee-Keeping, that "in 1905 there were approximately 100 colonies of bees in Beeston." who, having the range of the Trent valley, with its domestic orchards and gardens and large nurseries, providing for fruit-growing and afforestation, the conditions are such that a stock of bees under up-to-date management will yield a good surplus to the bee-keeper, so that one stock in recent years gave in one season 105 lbs. of honey. Unfortunately, an incurable disease has made havoc among bees throughout the kingdom, reducing the number kept locally by one-half; but as bees are indispensable to the fruit crop, it is hoped the disease may soon disappear. Mr. Hayes is the author of "Nectar-producing Flowers, and their pollen," a book for Bee-keepers.

Lads Club. The Beeston Lads' Club and 17th Nottingham Company of the Boys' Brigade, was formed in 1909, and in 1913 a building was erected at a cost of over £3,000, and considerable additions were made in 1915, at a cost of £1,000. In the first effort the boys made a weekly house-to-house collection, resulting in £363 being obtained, the other principal donors being: Mr. Hetley Pearson £1,018, Mrs. H. J. Pearson £560, Mr. Louis F. Pearson £200. The premises now comprise large rooms for the use of officers, and for old boys, games, gymnasium, drill, and two baths. Upstairs, rooms for a class, non-commissioned officers, and the band. The rooms are furnished with billiard table, provision for games, and a library. There is near to the railway, about three-quarters-of-a-mile from the club, a recreation field, with a pavilion. Beeston may well be proud in having the best provision for a Boys' Brigade, not only in the county but in the country. There were before the war 200 members. There are in 1916 over 250. One hundred and twenty-six old or present members have joined the forces. The objects are defined as "The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Boys, and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness."

It requires only a little exercise of the mind to foresee that if this institution is loyally supported by the parents of the boys it will have an important bearing on their future welfare. The Educational Evening Classes, at present intended to form a stepping-stone to the County Evening Classes, are developing thought, steadiness, good conduct. There are many non-commissioned officers, and promotion is dependent on character and the proper discharge of allotted duties. In a few years these lads will be scattered over the British Empire, and will be fitted to fill places of responsibility. Legislation will probably come giving control for a limited number of hours in each week from the time the boys leave the day school until they are sixteen years of age, or beyond, for the development of their handicraft and business capacities, for National training, for teaching and practising the duties of citizenship, and otherwise. Here is an institution ready to hand.

Scouts. The Scouts organization is another effort to interest and benefit boys and girls in Beeston. The Scout has to promise to do his duty to God and the King, to help other people at all times, and to obey the Scout Law. That law requires honour, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, chivalry, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thrift and cleanliness; all of which must become a part of our day school system. Our teachers will readily adopt it if sanctioned, and once established it will lighten their labours by making scholars co-workers. At present officers are wanted.

Recreation Grounds. The Recreation Grounds for the public were purchased by the Urban District Council in 1908, and were afterwards fenced, planted, etc., at a total cost of £2,500, towards which Mr. H. J. Pearson gave a donation of £1,000; Mr. Louis Pearson gave the Band Stand and Children's Shed, and Mr. Douglas Pearson the Fountain.

Library. The desire to have good books available is evidenced by the fact that in 1837 a village library was established by shares, and by contributions of fourpence per month. It had 600 volumes, and in 1858, 800 volumes, and was conducted by a committee of twelve gentlemen. This continued for some years, when Robert Porter, who was first a barber, and afterwards a bookseller and toy dealer, had a library for lending out books. He was a peculiar man, holding what were regarded as extreme and strange opinions, but he was a very useful man, taking great interest in public affairs, promoting allotment gardens, very outspoken, ever ready to help, even to the making of a man's will—a kind of village factotum. Beeston has not, like its fellow Urban districts in the County—as Stapleford, Arnold, Carlton, and other places — adopted the Free Libraries Act; but as Leyden found it to its advantage to have a University in preference to a remission of taxation, so Beeston might find a carefully-selected and wisely-administered library worth more than the penny rate.

Orphanage. The Orphanage was founded in 1875 by Miss Bayley in accordance with a wish expressed in the will of her father, Mr. Thomas Bayley, and with the active co-operation of several friends, among whom may be named Mr. Alfred Bradley, who was treasurer many years until his 11-Jun-2010 and the late Mrs. Henry Russell to whose memory was erected by her aunt, Miss Dobson, a recreation room for the use of the children. The aim of the promoters was to make a "Home," not an "Institution," which was then a newer idea than it is to-day. There are usually about twenty-five girls and twenty boys under its care.

Almshouses. Four in number were built by public subscription to commemorate the Jubilee of Queen Victoria's reign, 1897. The Trustees are Messrs. Jackson. Roberts, Pratt, Robinson, Rothera, Kirkland, and Mrs. Tutin.