To the Speaker.
Yesternight about Six a clock wee mett wth. the Scotch Comrs. in ye meadowes betwixt Kellam and Farnton and they tould us the King was come to Kellam to Leiuetenant Generall David Lesleys Quarters, and that they had been wth. him there but could not acquaint us wth. their resolutions till this morneing. Strict guards are kept on ye Scots side neere Kellam and about the Howse where the King now is and none suffered to have access to his person wthout their permission : only Monsr. Montrell in regard he is an agent for ye French King they can not denie him to speake wth. the King at pleasure, but my Lord Generall and the Committee assure us this morneing they wilbe verie carefull that nothing shalbe done to the prejudice of either Kingdome and that they have acquainted the Comittee of Estats of Scotland and the Comittee of both Kingdomes wth. the Kings comeing into their Quarters and intend to keepe him in their Armie till advise from them and further acquainted us that the King told them he would signifie to ye Parliament what his intentions were. Wee shall give you a further accompt from time to time.
Your humble Servants,
Balderton 6 May 1646
The English Comrs. Narrative to the House of Commons Recd. 14th. Maij 1646 post meridiem.
On tuesdaie the 5th of this instant one came to some of our number, in the Isle north of Newarke about nine in the morneing, and informed them that the King aboute two houres before was seene to come into Southwell wth. two others, and to go to the house of Mounsr. Montrell. That his beard was cutt awaie and his attire very meane. They tould this to the rest of us, who went to the Earl of Rutlands tent in Colonell Rossiters quartrs, (a meeting being that daie appointed there wth. the Scots Comrs.) where about 12 a clock there came only Sr. Tho. Ruthven and Mr. Glendoning who acquainted us from ye rest of their number yt. the King was come to Southwell with Ashburnham and a guide, that they were presently to returne and that their Commissioners desired wee would meet them speedily at Kelham. Wee moved them that the King might not depart from Southwell and yt. wee might meete their Commissioners yt. afternoone at Farnton Both wch. they approved, but before they could be returned wee had certaine intelligence that the King was gon thorough Southwell wth. a troope of horse and yt. a regimt. of horse were at the townes end, wth. whom he went to Kelham, to the Quarters of Leut. Generall Lesley (who was returned from Newcastle and came thither that daie about 11 a clock). The Scotch Comrs, sent us word they could not have so much time as to come to Farnton, but desired us to meete them at the damme (where the Trent was turned) wch. wee did, and then earnestly moved them that the King might returne to Southwell and not stay at Kelham so neere ye body of the Army That he might not caiole the soldiery, That they would ympart unto us their opinions what was to be don and such intelligence as they had. They told us the Kings comeing was unknowne to them, that he should not caiole the soldiery, but their opinion was, that he should stay at Kelham; that they had not a time to resolve what was to be done. That they could ympart little intelligence to us but upon discourse, they said, the King came in meane attire, his beard cutt away. That his Councill at Oxford knew not but that he would come to London: that he tould them he was neere London and resolved to goe thither, but had such intelligence as he could not trust himself there, and therefore intended for Newcastle but came to them being nearer. That he desired to be neere the bodie of their Army and Newarke. That he said he passed thorough 7 of the Parliamts. garrisons and guards and came yt. morneing from Stamford and was Knowne in severall places but by such as he called honest men. And yt. at one place he was desired to hast awaie, for yt. a warrt. was gone forth to apprehend them. That at their next meeting wth. us they would acquaint us wth. their resolutions in ye busines.
The next morneing being Wednesdaie, the Scots Comrs. sent us a Letter that they would be wth. us about 9 a clock at Balderton (where wee then were), and accordingly came accompanied wth. the Earle of Leven. And in answer to the desires wee then made they tould us that for as much as the King was accidentally come amongst them, they had alreadie given notice thereof to the Committee of Estats of Scotland and would doe the like to their Comissionrs. at London: and till such time as they heard from them he should remaine ferme for the good of both Kingdomes according to their Covenant. That soe long as Newark was unreduced he should continue at Kelham where he then was but afterwards should be, wheresoever their Army was. That if the King had gone out of Oxford into Sir Tho. Fairfax his Army they would never have inquired after him, but should have desired it might have been for the peace and good of both Kingdomes, and said he should be wth. them to no other ends. That the King said he would write to the Parlt. to tell them his intentions and yt. they left him writeing when they came away. That they have spoke of the Covenant to him and he desired to have conference wth. some ministers aboute it.
The Lord Generall Leven said he dined with Maior Generall Holborne the same daie the King came to Southwell that he hasted to meete the King so soon as he heard he was come but found him on his way to Kelham else he would have staid him at Southwell.
On Thursday wee mett againe at Colonell Generall Poynts Tent in Houghton fields where two of them tould one of us that the King offered to deliver Newark to them and one of them added that the King said it was a good bootie or good bit, and that they returned him this answer, that if they had it, they would presently deliver it upp to the Parliamt. of England. The Scots Comrs. then informed us of the removall of their Armie northwards for quarters only, but spake not of their marching awaie.
We have severall times desired to knowe from ye Scots Comrs, what garrisons
the King passed thorough how neere London he was, and wch. way he came
; but they said they can not tell us. And though wee have by all meanes
endeavoured to knowe these and other particulars yet wee can not send you
further credible intelligence then is here expressed. If the Scotch Comrs,
had come hither to us wee might probably have given you a further accompt.
Bawtry 12° May |
1646. |
(To the House of Commons)
In pursuance of the order of the house of Commons of the 25th Instant wee humbly present in writing our report concerning Mr. Ashburnham.
That wee had notice of his cominge wth. the Kinge to Southwell on tuesday the 5th of this present May about 9 in the morning, and having conference wth the Scotch Commissrs. that afternoone by the damme head wch. turned the River Trent wee informed them of his delinquency; and it was alleadged by some of us hee was excepted (in the propositions) from pardon; and wee desired he might be secured, to be proceeded against according to the justice of the Parliamt. On the 8th of May the Deputy Sergeant at armes came to us to Balderton, wth. your orders for the delivering of Mr. Ashburnham into his hands, whom wee presently dispached to the Scotsh Comissrs. and agent wth. him, wth. the Orders of the howse, and our letters accordingly who retorned to us on the 9th instant wth. letters from the Comissrs. and Lo: Genll. Leven to desire a meeting wth. us concerning him on monday (wch. was the 11th of may) and as the gent informed us the Lod. Gen. Leven intimated to him that Tuxford would be a convenient place and that the Scotsh Army would rest at Sherborne the Lords day. Wee forthwth. dispached an expresse to the Scotsh Comissrs. that wee would meete them at Bautrie wch. was a 11 miles nearer to Sherburne then Tuxford is on Monday the 11th instant at 3 in ye afternoone wee were there about the time, but heard nothing of them untill a post cums wth. a letter from them to us about midnight. On tewesday morning the 12th of May we sent Mr. Blackburne from Bawtry wth. another letter, wherein wee did demand Mr. Ashburnham to be delivered to the justice of the Parliament who as he informed us delivered the same to the Scotsh Comissrs. on Wednesday night after: and that he did see Mr. Ashburnham on fryday the 15th of May in the morning at Newcastle and that evening received his dispach and returned to us to Lincolne on the Lords day the 17th of May in the morning wth. a letter from the Scotsh Comissrs. On Twesday the 19th a letter came to us from the Committee of warr at Yorke (wth. a letter inclosed from Coll. Copley to them and a letter from Lt. Gen Leslie had sent to him wch. he received from the Scotsh Comissrs.) that Mr. Ashburnham was escaped on Saturday the 16th of May which was all the notice wee any way had of his escape: and wee used our best endeavours to have him apprehended. Copies of all these severall letters herein mencioned wee have sent unto the howse.
In the Examination of Lord Belasyse before mentioned there is a sentence
which is important:—"I verily think the King was deceived
in his expectations in his going hither." Another expression showing
that Charles had hopes of winning over the Scots occurs later on: "He
had advertisement from Oxforde by a ragged man whome he employed as his
agent, to be civil to the Scotch there, but at the firste I sallied equally
to them and was as willing to beate the Scotch as the English."