Extracts from the Act Books of the Archdeacons of Nottingham.

Continued from Transactions Volume 29 (1925), pp. 19-67.

Extracted and Collated By R. F. B. Hodgkinson.

Cases for not Attending Church, Etc. and Recusants.

Not Attending Church, Etc.

2 July 1566. Thomas Wilkinson, of Flawford Grange in the in the parish of Barnby [in the Willows] " for absentinge himself from his parishe churche."

At the previous court he had denied that he was a parishioner and the churchwardens were ordered to prove that he was.

They appeared and produced John West, Laurence Awcock and John Gilbert of Barnby who swore that the said Wilkinson was a parishioner of the parish of Barnby and ought to be a contributor towards the necessary repairs of the church, and affirmed that his house, commonly called "Flawfurthe graunge" for the space of fifty years had been reputed to be in the parish of Barnby and that his predecessors, viz., (sic) Baker, Henry Wolfyndine, Roger his son, Robert Hall, John Marpall and Thomas Hill who dwelt successively in the said Grange had received all sacraments and sacramental rites (sacramenta et sacramentalia) in the church of Barnby and had been contributors to the repair of the same.

Attached to the page of the register is a smaller piece of paper containing the following :—

"It myght playse yowre worshype to be sertiefied of the truthe That we ye Inabittantes of barmebe are able to Justifye how that we do perfyttly Remember for the space of fyftie yeares the howse of flawfurthe whiche wylkynson dwclltyhe in bathe bene of oure paryshe of barmbe aforesayde And have bothe crystenid maried & beried In the same chirche of barmebe And at soche tyme as corse presentes were payed we do Remember that xl ycres ago there was corse presentes payd unto the vycare of barmebe And In the tyme of ye byshops of Romes Lawes bothe the preste & the clarke dyd theire offesse of minestrie as was then used & apoynted them In allpoyntes at the house of Flawfurthe as well as in any other howse of the paryshe of barmebe & also the above named Wylkynson hathe comme him selfe to owre paryshe churche for the spasse of a xij or more yerres & hathe payd his offerynge as a parishioner untyll wythin this v or vj yerres & so longes hathe wythdrawn all the acostomid offerynges frome the chirche of barmebe.

In wyttnes whereof Jhon Weste dwellynge in barmebe which can Remember Above fyftie yearres.
Larrance Awcocke wytenes to theis premises
Jhon Gylberd. John Walton.
Wyth other mo."

The judge decreed that the said Wilkinson and his successors living in the said house called "Flawfurthe graunge" were parishioners of Barnby and contributors to the necessary repairs of the church. [Flawford was originally part of the property of the Knights Templar and, therefore, considered to be extra-parochial].

11 June 1566. Gavin Lemyng, of Balderton, "For that he caused certen laborers to mowe his barley to the estaymacion of xv or xvj acres upon the the Sabothe daie in harvest laste, and also for that he spake certen wordes in mockedge & disdeyne of my L. archbushopp of yorke asking the Vicar of balderton when he broughte processe to be served uppon one in towne there for duties &c. whether the same came frome our soveraigne Ladie the quenes majestie or frome our holie father the pope meaning my said L. archebushoppe."

He pleaded guilty and was enjoined to undergo the following penance viz., "that uppon sondaie next he shall stand before the vicare (when he hathe Redde the gospell) in the churche of balderton And there declare unto the people that he is sorie for that he so abused the sabothe daie in causing mowers to fell his corne upon the same contrarie to the lawes of God and the quenes majesties injunctions, and to desire theime to take no evil! example of him : and further shall declare unttheime that he is sorie for the wordes which he spake unto the afforesaid vicar in demanding upon him whether the processe which he had came frome the quenes majestic or from our holly (sic) Father the pope and that he ment theime not by my L. archbushoppe when he spake theime: and then shall desire the said vicare to forgyve him yf he have spoken enye thing against, him at eny tyme which hathe offended him: and that doone he shall gyve unto the pooremens boxe of that towne xijd."

On 6th July, 1584, Margaret Harwood, of Littleborough, who had been cited "for bringinge whome a lome of Ale in servyce time" was dismissed with a warning as she said "that for necessitye sake she dyd it." On 28th May, 1597, Edward Greaves, of Farndon, in answer to a charge "of not cominge to churche" said "that unless at some tymes there be a sermon at Newarke and he goe thither he doth ordinarilie frequent his parishe churche."

15 June 1598. William Brewster, Anthony Bentam and Edward Bentam, of Scrooby, "presented for absentinge them selves from their parishe churche."

The said William in answer said "that Scroobie and Bawtrie beinge not far distant one from the other have joyned together to maynetaine one preacher betweene them, who preacheth at one Towne one Sundaye and at the other Towne on the next sundaie by a continuall course, so that yf their preacher preach at Bawtrie he with other of the parishe of Scroobie go thither to heare him, and otherwyse he doth not absent him selfe from his parishe Churche on the Sabothe daye. And the said Anthonie and Edward beinge also examined make the same answere." Dismissed with a warning.

William Carrington, of Gunthorpe, admitted "that on Christmas daye last past [1598] in the tyme of divine service he did worke upon a peticote for a poore mayde that wanted clothes to weare that day," and on 24th October, 1601, John Smalley, of Bunney, admitted "that he was absent three several Sundayes from the church at geese eatinges" and was ordered to give three shillings to the poor box. On 18th January, 1695-6, John Homes, of Kneeton (sic) admitted "that by reason of the distance of the place he dothe not usuallie goe to his parishe churche [Orston] but dothe go to Kneeton." Enjoined "that he doe come to his parishe Churche once in sixe weekes betweene this and Easter & after Easter once every moneth." On 21st January, 1605-6, the wife of William Carter, of Clayworth, was presented "for that shee dothe absent her selfe from her parish church the space of v wyckes." Her husband appeared and said "that theire parishe churche is two miles distant & in the winter tyme the waye so dangerous that without dainger to her health she cannot resort" and she was dismissed with a warning.

On 30th October, 1609, Robert Vessie, of Norton Cuckney, admitted "that he did not observe the Kings Holydaye vidz. the 5th of August [the anniversary of the Gowrie Plot]." On 9th May, 1612, Simon Lamme, of Barnby in the Willows, was cited "for scoffinge at the biddinge of the fifte daye of November Holye daye & for not comminge to churche and service that daye [a Thursday]". He admitted "that he did laughe when the fifte of November was bidden holydaye but not with anie intent to Scoffe at it." On 13th November, 1613, six inhabitants of Cotgrave were cited for the following offences committed in service time on 5th November, which was on a Friday:—"sufferinge his servant to threshe," "for palinge," "for weavinge," "for thackinge" and "for sufferinge his wyfe & mayde to winnowe corne." On 28th June, 1614, William Boswell, of East Markham, who was cited "for buyinge two calves & dressinge them uppon the Sabaoth daye, "admitted" that he did uppon necessitie dresse a calfe on the Sabaoth daye," and at the same court Richard Spurre, of Clayworth, was cited "for shootinge at pigions upon the Sabaoth daye in service tyme." On 16th September, 1618, John Berrie, of Sutton-on-Trent, who had been cited for "working on the Saboath daye," admitted "that he at the requeste of William Watson of the same town did vvorke at his trade beinge a shoemaker uppon a Sabaoth daye aboute Midsommer laste paste & that the said William Watson then did also worke & make a shoe the same daye." On 17th May, 1620, Hugh Scorer, of Hawton, said "that by reason of the goute he hathe binne divers tymes absent from his parishe Churche."

7 Nov. 1622. William Sore, of Willoughby, for his neglect and negligence (propter incuriam et negligentiam suam) in not attending his parishe church on Sundays and Holydays.

He admitted "that for the space of seaven yeares laste paste he this respondent hathe somme tymes gone to Winsold [Wimeswold, Leics.] and somme tymes to Costocke & that he hathe seldome frequented his own parishe Church by reason that the word thearc is not preached & further saithe that visions fail in the same Church." [In a rough index of interesting cases written on the inside of the cover in a later hand, this case is indexed as follows:— A pretended Saint of Willoughby forsakes his own Church on pretence yt [that] Visions fail in it & the word is not there preached"].


The following are the extracts of all the references I have been able to find relating to Recusants down to 1623. Some of those named may have conformed at a later date but there are no entries on that point.

16 May 1587. Margery, wife of Richard Morey, Alice, daughter of John Collynson, and Henry Dande, all of St. Mary, Nottingham. The wife of John Pickeringe of Colston Basset.

29 May 1587. Mistress Mary Morton, of Harworth.

27 April 1592. Thomas Batey, Alice Carson and Elizabeth Paramore, of Stanford.

Nicholas Reines gent., of Stanford, and his wife Florence, were also cited. He appeared and, while he acknowledged that the neglect, charged against him truly continued and that he did not intend to go to church or to receive the Communion, alleged "that her majestie hathe 2 parties of his livinge and of his goodes in respect of his recusancie and therefore hee is not to bee troubled in this courte in that behalfe." The judge, being satisfied on oath of the truth of his allegation, decreed that he and his wife should not be proceeded against.

5 May 1592. William Seiner and his wife Joan, and Henry Dande, of St. Nicholas, Nottingham.

4 June 1595. Alice James, of Clifton, [near Nottingham],

On 9th August, William Scroobie, of Blith, admitted "that some tymes his brother beinge an obstinate Recusante dothe come into his house but doth not remayne with him anie time neyther shall he yf he would." Ordered not to support his brother thereafter.

"7th December, 1606. Richard Barton Vicar of Edwinstowe presenteth recusantes above the space of two yeares in the parishe of Edwinstowe. In Ollerton, Mr. Thomas Markham Esquier, Mrs. Marie Markham his wife, Mr. Charles Markham, Mr. Thomas Markham, Mr William Markham, Robert Frenchman. In Clipston. Richard Woodwarde." Widmerpoole. xxiiijto die Januarie 1606. I doe presente Amie Widmerpoole of Widmerpoole aforesaid widow for that she is an absolute recusant & so hathe continued these three yeares. By me Richard Snoden."

27 May 1609. Amy Widmerpoole, widow, of Widmerpoole.
William Bonde, of Hicklinge.
William Harroulde, of Colston Basset.
Barbara Cooper, of Hawksworth.
Andrew Reynes, and John Moore and his wife, of Balderton.

19 May 1610. Richard Kirke and Ninian Gibbon, of Car Colston.

5 June 1610. Dorothy Pettiner, of East Retford.

9 June 1610. Richard Cooke, of Gedlinge.

5 May 1613. Richard Mercer and Anne his wife, of Normanton on Trent, "per eo quod recusant interesse divinis Anglice for recusants."

22 May 1613. Ninian Gibbon, Olive Gibbon and Richard Kirke, of Car Colston.Robert. Bagshawe and Anne his wife and Margaret Butler, of Stapleford. John Robinson gent., of Kelham.

9 June 1613. Joan, the wife of Thomas Lodge, M.D., and {Catherine Sabrina, of Rolleston, "for a papisticall recusant."

28 May 1614. Barbara Cooper, of Hawksworth.

6 July 1614. Mary, the wife of William Warde of North Collingham.

5 June 1616. Anne Vauze, of Brodholme.

9 July 1616. John Fincham and his wife, of Walesby.

24 May 1617. Anne, the wife of Anthony Fairebarne, of Orston.

3 June 1618. Anne, the wife of Robert Oxbey of Brodholme.

31 July 1618. William Fitzwilliams gent., and his wife, and George Markham gent, and his wife, of Ollerton.

16 Oct. 1619. (sic) Taylor senr., his wife and daughter, of of Brodholme.

1 July 1620. (sic) Boothe gent, and his wife, William Cawthorne and his wife, Laurence Perrie and his wife, (sic) "le dutchman" and his wife, (sic) "le taylor " and his wife, of Fledborough.

6 Nov. 1620. Anne Smithe and Clemence Yarwood, of Ollerton.

2 Dec. 1620. Armonella Marshall, of Sutton on Trent.

5 May, 1621. Mr. Richard Mercer and Anne his wife, and Elizabeth Froste, of Normanton on Trent.

25 Nov. 1623. Clara, the wife of Thomas Browne, of West Drayton.
Laurence Spivie and his wife, of West Markham

Cases Concerning Churches.

Repairs to Churches.

On 6th April, 1574, William Eliot, of East Stoke, was cited for not repairing his portion of the churchyard wall. He admitted that he had usually done so and was still ready to do so if his landlord, Thomas Stanhope, thought it ought to be done, but at the next court he alleged that he lived in the Hospital of St Leonard [of Stoke] which he asserted was not liable for repairs to the church of Stoke and so he could not be held liable to repair the churchyard wall. The case was adjourned so that his claim could be enquired into but unfortunately there are no further entries.

22 June 1574. John Key, of Newark, because the wall of the churchyard was in ruins through his neglect.

He alleged "that the churchwardens of Newarke for the time beinge do yearly make a general collecion throughe out the whole parishe and therewithall do from time to time repare, upholde and mentaine the fence of the said churche yarde as neede requireth and by reason thereof hee ought not (as hee said) to bee charged in this behalf." He was dismissed.

On 11th April, 1592, James Bell and John Roe, the late churchwardens of Orston brought in an account from which it appeared that they still had three pound nineteen shillings and two pence in their hands of the amount which had been collected for the repair of the church, and James Bell paid thirty shillings, part of that amount into court. On the same day four pounds, which had been paid into court as their security until the frame of the nave had been completed, was handed to Edward Baguley and Thomas Storie, carpenters. At the same court three inhabitants of Kneeton each paid sixpence into court, under protest, for the fabric of the church on condition that if they should prove that they were not of the parish of Orston the money should be returned to them. On 3rd August in the same year the following entry occurs:—

On the same day the venerable gentleman Richard Whalley of Screveton, who claimed to be a parishioner of Orston, paid into the court on his own behalf the sum of twenty shillings towards the fabric of the nave of the same church, the expenditure on which fabric is, from the entry next following, known to be heavy.

"Md. that wheras the corporall penance of divers fornicators and adulterers convicted in this court is commuted into money : and wheras the judge of the same court hath heretofore alotted out of the said monney towardes the repair of the church of Orston, which thorough the disfaction of the people was and yet is in greate ruin and. decay, the sum of xls., the rather by his example to stirre up the parishners to furderance and finishinge of the worke : Sithens which although a good parte therof bee done, yet there remaineth so much behinde that by the untowardness of the people it is not like without extraordinarie helpes to come to perfection. Wherefore the judge aforesaid findinge by viewe of the churchwardens accompts and of the church yt self (to which he travelled for the purpose) that the wrightes [employed] for the workmanship and reringe of the roofs or nave therof have done & finished that they undertooke, and that there is not monney levied of the people to discharge the last paiment due unto theim for the same, which amounteth to sixe poundes, hath nowe ordered and decreed that out of such monney as remaineth apud acta hujus curie the said Wrightes shall have in parte of the paiment the summe of xls. together with xxs. which Richard Whalley Esqr. did of late for his parte depose and pay apud acta hujus curie towardes the said fabricke. Which three poundes Edward Baguley one of the said Wrightes accordingly receaved this 5 of Aug. 1592.
Ita est Milo Leighe."

14 June 1592. On which day Richard Clifton, one of the parishioners of Staunton, appeared and, in his own name and in the name of all the other parishioners, produced a composition or agreement concerning the contribution towards the fabric of the church of Staunton aforesaid between the parishioners of Staunton, Alverton, Flawborough cum Dallington made in the presence of

William Staunton Esq. and Robert Barwicke, clerk. Which same composition the judge received, perused and, at the urgent petition of the said Richard, decreed should be preserved and recorded in detail on the records of this court in perpetual memory of this matter. The tenour in all respects of which composition follows and is as follows :—

"xj of May 1592. Eliz. 34.

A perpetuallconsente and agreement betweene the parishners of Staunton and Alverton and the parishners of Flawborough cum Dallington for and concerninge a contribution for the maintenance, repaire and upholdinge of the parishe churche of Staunton as followeth :

First the parishners of Staunton Alverton Flawborough & Dallington shall make a lay at this time to collecte and gather five poundes towardes the paiment and discharginge of an olde reconinge wherewith the church is indebted to Richard Clifton.

Secondly it is agreed that the inhabitantes of Flaw-borough & Dallington shall ever hereafter pay to their parishe churche of Staunton yerely two pence every hous towardes the communion.

Thirdly it is agreed that the inhabitantes of Flawborough and Dallington shall ever hereafter contribute and pay to and with the said parishners of Staunton and Alverton alway and from time to time for the upholdinge and mainteyninge of their parishe churche of Staunton & the steple therunto belonginge for stone and stone woorke, lyme and lyme woorke, timber and the worke therof, lead and lead worke, yron and yron worke, glas and all thother necessaries to the same glas windowes belonginge, and the belles and clappers and the frame of wood with yron therunto belonginge, in the presence of William Staunton Esquier, Robert Barwick cler."

On 11th March, 1597-8, a man of Lowdham was allowed to commute his penance for a sum of seven pounds, of which five pounds was to be expended on the fabric of Sibthorpe Church.

Robert Orme, alias Oram, of the Chapelry of Elston in the parish of East Stoke, admitted on 5th July, 1606, that "the Ile of the Churche of Stoke to be repayred by the parishioners of Elston is out of repayre "and was enjoined, on behalf of all the inhabitants of the chapelry, to repair the aisle before the following Easter. On 2nd August, 1606, William Littlefeere and Marmaduke Gregorie, churchwardens of St Mary, Nottingham, were enjoined to see that the church was decorated in due form with sentences of Holy Scripture. On 1st April, 1609, Hugh Maltbee and Robert White, churchwardens of Orston, certified that they had repaired the windows which in the previous February they had admitted had been damaged by "the late greate windes," and were given until Martinmas to repair "aream Anglice the floore of the Churche & to provide a newe pulpitte and pulpitte clothe." On 1st August, 1617, Cuthbert Wilde and Thomas Daye, churchwardens of Ratcliffe-on-Sore, admitted "that theire church leads are out of repaire in the defalte of the towneships of Thrumpton & Kinstone by reason that Thrumpton is to repare the North side & Kinstone the South side," and on 1st August, 1618, the churchwardens of Thrumpton and Kingston were respectively cited "for not repairinge the out Ile of there (sic) Churche of Ratcliffe."

Seats in Church.

On 19th November, 1580, Gregory Henson, of Car Colston, was cited for destroying or withholding a sea; or stall in the church (in quadam causam destructionis sive detentionis subselli sive stalli in eccleseam). The hearing lasted for five courts, but there is no record of any judgment.

On 23rd April, 1583, the churchwardens of Trowell were cited because "they wante formes in the church for the ease of the people" and were enjoined "to provide decent seates" and to certify after Midsummer that they had done so, and on 6th July " Francys Corbett churchwarden dyd affyrme that vt ys amended and the parishners are placed &c."

15 May 1583. "Robert Warren of Eykringe kepeth two or three seates in the church whearas others have none and payeth not further duties then other men."

Appeared "and doth allege that he kepeth but such as appereyneth to his house." Wherefore the judge decreed " that there be a mandat sent to iiij of the substanciallest of the parishe for the plasinge of the parishiners in the church."

On 9th October the churchwardens of Kelham were enjoined "to take with them Mr Henry Sutton, Mr Roche, Henry Welles and Francis Mydleton And them selves to appoynt the parisheners their places in the Church before Sondaye next."

On 31st July, 1585, the following citations were heard together:—

"Marey Nycholson of Heydon dyd disturbe the service to the greate disturbance of the congregation."

"Thomas Reynes dyd come from his owne seate in the churche and dyd syt wheras (sic) women should sytt and held one Ales Goodhand agaynst the wall."

"Richard Cowper servant to the said Thomas Reanes (sic) for he upon St Peters day last [a Tuesday] did kepe her out of the same place."

Ultimately the parties came to an agreement "so that Ales Goodhand maye syt in the church as she ys appoynted."

27 May 1587. The churchwardens of Hicklinge "for sufferingea seate to be caryed awaye which was erected in the Churche by Mr Archdeacon his comaundment."

Thomas Nobel and William Howet, the churchwardens admitted "that they thenselves dyd pull yt downe and caryed yt awaye by reason that the parishioners (as they saye) were not contented with the stand-inge of it there."

15 Feb. 1588-9. William Lovet and Richard Carter of Ruddington, "presented for using mysdemeanors agaynst Mrs Costendyne in the tyme of divine service shee comeing to her Maydes seate in the Church the said William and Robert kept her forth violently (sic) manor at morninge prayer the same day And at Eveninge prayer in like manor she cominge to the same seate agayne they layde handes upon her and grypped her."

Mrs Costendyne gave evidence to the effect "that she comeinge to her seate in the Church in the after noone and the same William Lovett and Richard Carter beingc in the seate dyd keepe her oute of the same seate with violence and the same William layd his handes upon her and gripped her forcibly by the armes whereupon she was constrained to remove to an other seate." The judge ordered "that they [sic) sayd Lovet and Carter to acknowledg their falte in the Church for abusing Mrs Margaret Costerdine in the Church And further doth adjudg and decree that none shall syt in the same seate but onely women that ys to say women of the hall and women of the parsonage."

On 18th May, 1613, a seat in the church of Sutton-cum-Lound lately erected by Alexander Stowe, gent, of the same parish and approved by the minister and churchwardens was confirmed to him and his successors.

2 May 1616. "Jane Easte the wife of Thomas Easte of Gunthorp within the parishe of Loudham hathe for the space of two yeeres laste paste or theare abouts sitten stood and kneeled to heere divine service in the Chappell of Gunthorp in the highest place or roome of a forme seate or pewe which is the next forme to the Chappell dore Westward on the South side of the said Chappell. Alice Kempe wife of Henrie Kempe of Gunthorp aforesaid Webster since Easter laste hath seated her selfe in the same place & not suffered the said Jane to sitte in the same seate, the said Thomas Easte husband of the said Jane at all ceasments & taxes for the repaire of the Church or Chappell & other charges in the same parishe dothe paye more than the said Henrie Kempe dothe." Wherefore the said Thomas Easte making assurance of the truth of the premises on oath the judge, at the petition of the said Thomas Easte, decreed that the said Alice Kempe should be inhibited from doing anything further to the prejudice of the said Jane Easte.

On 31st May, 1620, Sarah Betney, of Weston, admitted "that Jane Hawson sittinge uppon her this respondent in her this respondentes owne deske shee this respondent did lifte her the said Jane from of (sic) her this respondent two severall tymes" and was sentenced to do penance. On 7th November, 1622 a licence to erect a seat in the church of Broughton Soulney which had been granted previously to Robert Brette was revoked. On 19th June, 1623, Matthew Fowler, of Finningley, who had been cited to answer Articles concerning the erection of a seat in the church, alleged "that in case he did erect anye seate in Finningley Church as on the behalfe of the said Thomas Tailer [the promoter of the action] is alleged," which he did not admit but disputed and denied, "yeete the same was so done by the direction, allowance and appoint ment of Mr Daniell Jones, Clarke, parson theare, and John Wilde and John Collie the Churchwardens of Finningley aforesaid." Ultimately judgment was given for the promoter.

22 Nov. 1623. John Hollingworth, of East Stoke, Alexander Watson gent., Matthew Bradshawe, William Walker alias Custon, Richard Hollingworth, Richard Elstone, John Blackamore, Robert Elston, Richard Shawcrofte and Laurence Simson, "for not buildinge new seates in the Church of Stoake in the Ile called Elstone Ile." To do so before Easter.

19 Feb. On this day the judge confirmed the allocation 1623-4. of certain seats made by the minister and churchwardens to certain parishioners of Hawton near Newark.

Church Goods.

16 June 1566. William Cowle, of Stanford, "for a challice beinge gone in his custodie when he was churchwarden there."

He did not appear at the first court and was excommunicated. Ultimately the matter was referred to the arbitration of Bartholmew Newton and William Leek, of Stanford, who made their award on 5th October as follows:—"That the said Wm. Cowle shall give & delyver unto thandes of the churchwardens of Stanford now being xvjs. viijd. in recompense of the challice gone furth of his house and towards the hying of a newe challice."

25 Sept. 1572. William Archer and John Harrison, church-wardens of Elkesley, because they had not got the Paraphrases of Erasmus in their church.

Certified that they had provided them and that they had the other books of Homilies as required by law.

On 25th September, 1572, William Clayton and Nicholas Whitworthe, churchwardens of West Drayton, were ordered to provide a chalice and a communion table and on 30th October, William Garlande, the apparitor, certified that they had done so. On 30th October, 1578, the judge objected against John Sore of Girton "that he tooke certayne church goodes out of the church. He confessed [he] hath had the Cover of a challece worth vs. viijd., but he made accompt to the parishe for the same." At the same court the judge made a similar objection against William Mydleton, of Girton, who, being asked at the next court, " whether he sold a crosse perteyninge to their church" said "that he sold yt about three yeares past about May Day." John Ash swore "that he saw the sayd Mydleton sell the sayd crosse about Maudwyntyde (sic) as was three yeares to his remembrance." On 6th May, 1581, Richard Slynet, of Gamston, was cited because "he retayneth a Crosse with a staffe and certayne candlestycks being Church goodes." He admitted that he had "a crosse, ij sencers and two candlesticks" and at the next court he was ordered "to paye iiijs. viijd. to the parishners for the ymplementes before named sold by hym." At the same courts Thomas Radley, of Gamston, who admitted "that he had a cubbard of Mr parson Thurland which he gave to his son Francis Rydley," was ordered "to restore the Cuberd to the church in such sorte as yt hathe bene."

On 19th December, 1593, the churchwardens of Ollerton were cited because "the churchyard unfensed, the glasse wyndowes broken and old monumentes standing in the church undefaced, as crosses, roodes and such lyke." At the next court they affirmed that "the church wyndowes are amended" but nothing was said as to the monuments, etc. On 16th October, 1585 the churchwardens of Walesby were ordered to give five shillings to the poor box "and to bye a byble and a communion book at Lenton fayre,"

16 Jan. 1593-4. William Walheade, Robert Milner senr. and Robert Milner junr., of Kneesall, "they ar presented for to have in their handes certaine goodes of the churches &c."

Walheade answered "that about the 33th yere of the quenes majesties raignes that nowe is [1591] hee had in his possession certaine goodes belonginge to the said church of Kneesall viz. a crosse of bras or copper, a handbell or two, a censer and a candle sticke of copper or bras and a box of bras for the kepinge of holie breade, certaine banner clothes, all of which he with thadvise of one of the churchwardens and others of the parish did sell awaie for vjs. iiijd. wherof one moitie is at this day in his handes thother in thandes of the said Robt. Milner the yonger And hee furder confesseth that hee hath in his handes certaine peces of broken vestmentes belonginge to Kneesall church which he is and wilbee readie to departe with accordinge to thorder of this courte to thuse of the church." Then the said Robert Milner senr. answered " that hee about 3 or 4 yeres agone had of the goodes of the said church of Kneesall half a cope verie olde and a pece of a vestment, and hath them still and no more and is readie to restore theim or their value to the churche as this courte shall apointe." And the said Robert Milner junr. Answered " that hee neither hath nor had anie of the said goodes onely the said Wm. Walheade about 2 or 3 yeres agone did deliver to him iijs. ijd. beinge the moietie of the said summe of vjs. iiijd. which he is readie to departe withall as this courte shall apoint him." Then the judge enjoined the said William Walheade, Robert Milner and Robert Milner " that they and every of theim before shrove sondaie next actually and really deliver to the newe churchwardens of Kneesall all the said parcells and money."

26 Jan. 1593-4. Elizabeth Tonge and William Hutchenson. of of Kneesall, "presented to with hold certaine goodes from the church."

Elizabeth Tonge answered "that slice had and hath yet in her handes and keepinge a closet that did some time stand before the altar and had an image in it which is the churches and that shee hath not nor had anie more of the church goodes." Then the judge enjoined her to return the said " le closet " to the new churchwardens before the Feast of the Purification to the use of the church of Kneesall. And then the said William Hutchenson answered "that hee some time was clerke of the churche of Kneesall and when in those daies the communion was to bee ministred hee received from the churchwardens certaine lynen to wells to be then used and after that restored theim againe and that hee in truth had not nor did convert anie of the said towels to his private use." Dimissed.

30 Jan. 1593-4. Thomas Pawson, of Wellow, "It is presented that certaine masse bookes somtimes pertayninge to the church of Kneesall are made awaie by him."

He appeared and answered that "he hertofore being clerke of the church had certaine of the said masse bookes which he sold in exchange for other bookes of the value of xvjd." To satisfy the churchwardens.

On 14th July, 1602, the churchwardens of West Leake admitted "that the glasse windoes of theire Churche are greatelie decaied & patched up with lime & mortar, theie wante a convenient pulpitte, theire beere [bier] is broken, theie wante a coveringe for the communion table, the Queenes injunctions & theire Register booke is not chisted & kepte as it should be & that the cover and wales [walls] of the same chappell are out of repaire," and they were ordered to repair the defects by Michaelmas.

On 22nd July, 1602, William Swinscoe, of Bilsthorpe, admitted " that his wyfe [Margaret] boughte the bell clapper for which she is presented for xvjd., which he hath in his house," and he was ordered to return it to the churchwardens. On 10th December, 1616, Thomas Tailer and John Moulson, the old churchwardens of Finningley, certified "that there was never anie clocke perfecte there." On 25th November, 1617, the churchwardens of Carlton in Lindrick were ordered to repair their church, the words "ad parandum horologium Anglice a clocke" being erased.

On 16th September, 1618, the churchwardens of Balderton, Thomas Crispin and John Gibson, were ordered to provide "the communion table & a clothe of bukrom to cover the same." On 8th February, 1619-20, William Atkin and John Metcalfe, churchwardens of Finningley, were ordered to provide "horolegium Anglice a clocke" before Easter, and on 16th May John Cockin, of West Drayton, who had been cited "for conveyinge awaie the communion cup," said "that he was and is altogether ignorant of conveyinge awaie the communion cuppe otherwise then it was consumed in the fyer which consumed his house and all his goodes or the greatest parte of them."

24 Oct. 1622. Nicholas Mastin and Edward Maurice, churchwardens of St. Mary, Nottingham, "for the wante of a decent pulpitte cloth."

On which day the said churchwardens appeared and being examined by the judge said "that theie have two pulpitte clothes but for the sufficiencie of them theie could saye nothinge. Wheereuppon he decreed them bothe to be viewed by him & appointed the churchwardens to bringe them to him before the next courte."

7 Nov. Nicholas Mastin produced "two Pulpitte Clothes" which he asserted were sufficient.

Bells and Bell-Ringing.

15 May 1573. Ralph Mason and Christopher Brandyrith, churchwardens of Sutton in Ashfield, " for that they use to ringe betwixt morning prayer and communion."

They denied that this was done and were enjoined not to allow or permit it.

19 Nov. 1573. Robert Kirke and Thomas Smithe, churchwardens of Carlton in Lindrick, "for that they suffer curfue to be ronge commonly in their churche."

They denied that they practised the said superstitious ringing and would not permit it to be done.

At the same court Thomas Colbye and Stephen Horner, churchwardens of Sutton cum Lound, admitted that they allowed curfew to be rung, and were enjoined not to allow it in the future.

27 July 1580. Henry Addles and Richard Norris, of St. Mary, Nottingham, "for ringinge upon Sondaye being St James eves (sic)."

Norrys (sic) was ordered to give ten shillings to the poor box and Addle (sic) was admonished " that he use not the lyke hearafter."

3 June 1581. Robert Mason, of Holme Pierrepont, "a quarreller and a misuser of the parson, viz., he would ringe Curfewe whither the parson would or not."

Ordered to give twelve pence to the poor box. On 16th November, 1583, eight men of South Leverton were fined "for ryngyng upon All Stes. daye at night contrarye to the lawes of the Realme," and Thomas Lyncolne, one of the churchwardens was also fined because he "dyd mayntayne them." On 30th June, 1587, Mr. William Fearnebarne, of Hickling, admitted that he and some of his neighbours "did ringe Curfewe upon Alsayntes Even last." The judge then objected against him "that he used violence agaynst the parsone at that tyme to mayntayne theire ringing," but afterwards dismissed him. On 21st May, 1588, William Bolton, of Elkesley, was ordered to give ten shillings to the poor box "for ringing the belles unorderly to the disturbance of the parish and for playeing at the foteball "in the churchyard. On 5th May, 1592, John Lunde, rector of Lambley, was presented by the churchwardens "for refusinge to finde a bell rope, accordinge as the olde custom hath been for the space of 60 years." He said that he was not liable to find it and at the next court he and the churchwardens said that they had come to an agreement. On 18th September, 1593, nine inhabitants of Cotgrave were cited "for not payinge of their layes [assessments] to the castinge of a bell "but the case apparently was settled.

28 Jan. 1603-4. Thomas Hunt, rector of a mediety of Cotgrave, for force used by him in the church of Cotgrave aforesaid on the Feast of Stephen the Proto-martyr now last past or thereabouts against. William Champion, Henry Smythe, Aaron Whittington and Harold Humfrie (as is asserted).

He admitted "that in and upon the said Feaste daye of St. Stephen laste paste the said personnes straighte after Evening prayers donne did ringe all the bells of the Church of Cotgrave aforesaid as also theie and others had donne bothe before the same Evenings prayers the same daye and at many other tymes in such excessive wise that the people being therewithall offended requested him the said Thomas Hunte to stave and not suffer them so to ringe. Wheereuppon he (as he saith) with some others of his neighbours required the said personnes to desiste and leave ringinge and so theie did and departed. And that soone after theie gotte to the belles agayne and ronge agayne as before, and that then he at the motion of somme of his neighbours came and eftsoones required them to cease and give over which to doe theie expressly refused sayinge thus or to this effect, we will ringe whether you will or no, be good in your office you cannot tell howe longe you shall have it, with other rude and contemptuous speeches, and that he the said Thomas Hunte not well induringe that theie shoulde so insolentlie both offend his neighbours and contemne him in his Church charged theme to desiste and departe, and theie not regardinge his words, did with a smale cudgill wheerwith he useth to walke strike them the said Champian, Smith, Whittington and Humfrie over the shoulders & gave everie of them a drie blowe without anye hurte to anye of their personnes & so lefte them." And then the said Thomas Hunte prayed the benefit of absolution from the sentence of excommunication, if by chance he had incurred it by reason of the premises, to be granted to him. And then the judge decreed him t:o be absolved from the sentence of excommunication which he had incurred "ipso facto" by reason of the premises, and absolved him decreeing him Letters Testimonial.

On 1st July, 1608, Edward Marten, of Keyworth, paid four shillings into court for part of his first assessment in respect of his eight oxgangs of land and a further four shillings for part of his second assessment towards the repair and re-making of one of the bells and other work.

"xxij Augusti 1620


Richard Wilson William Baguley junr. Richard Smith the younger


de Carlton in Linricke all thease beinge warned by Mr. Thomas Benson



theire parson did notwithstandinge unceasablie jangle the bells contrarie to the 67 Canon & this was aboute a moneth since."

Miscellaneous Cases.

Legacies and Administrations.

2 May, 1593. John Storie v Margaret Storie, of Hoveringham, executrix of the will of Thomas Storie deceased for the withholding a legacy.

The defendant appeared. The plaintiff appointed Mr. Richard Gymney, learned, as his proctor, who was ordered to bring in the Libel on the Wednesday before Whitsunday.

30 May. The libel was brought in. The defendant paid into court twenty shillings for and in discharge of a certain "le bay fillie" bequeathed to the plaintiff, three pounds for and in consideration of a certain "le stoned colt also bequeathed, twenty shillings for and in consideration of one "le gray fillie" also bequeathed, twenty shillings for and in consideration of a certain "le carte" also bequeathed, twelve shillings for " les pairs of newe wheels "further bequeathed and fifteen shillings for half of a lease or demise which were prayed for in the Libel. Mr Gymney refused to accept these sums and they were handed back to the defendant. The defendant appointed Mr John Hacker as her proctor and was sworn to answer the plaintiff's case.

27 June. Mr. Hacker, for the defendant, alleged that, if and so far as Thomas Storie in his last will mentioned in the Libel gave and bequeathed certain specific legacies to the said John Storie and the same legacies or any of them came into the possession of the defendant after the death of the said deceased (which was not admitted but entirely denied), nevertheless the said Margaret from necessity and other reasons her moving sold and disposed of the said legacies and so the ownership thereof and each of them is disposed of and changed and out of her possession, so that the said Margaret is unable to produce and hand over the same legacies in kind and had offered the full value thereof previously in this court and was still willing to offer it. The case was adjourned and afterwards removed to the Consistory Court at York.

12 March 1596-7. Robert Collingworth, of Eakring. On which day the said Robert appeared and being examined on oath answered and said "that his brother William Collingworth died a fortnight before Christmas laste intestate, no man takinge administracion of his goodes, and he sayeth that the wyfe of the said William Collingworthe deceased dwellethe in the house of the said deceased and possesseth all his goodes savinge one bullocke, one Cowe, two horses and two hives of bees, which this examinate Robert Collingworthe did receive and deliver to one Elizabeth Gee in consideracion of a certaine debte for which he was bounde with the deceased.'' Wherefore the j udge pronounced him to have incurred &c. and to be excommunicate "ipso facto." Then the judge absolved him until the Saturday after Low Sunday. [There are no further entries relating to this case].

On 9th July, 1597, two executors paid five shillings into court in full satisfaction of a moiety of a piece of stamped gold called "a Royall of Goulde" which had been bequeathed to the plaintiff.