Mansfield Road used to be called the 'Way to York', and the summit where St. Andrew's Church now stands was said by the old stage-coachmen to be the most bitter and exposed point of their long run. On this summit, close to the present entrance to the Church Cemetery, was the gallows of the town, and along Mansfield Road the wretched criminals condemned by the terrible laws of the time were conducted to execution. The district was called 'Gallows Hill', but rather more than a hundred years ago its name was changed to 'Mars Hill' out of deference to the wishes of the local inhabitants.

On the left of Mr. Hammond's picture we have a portion of the facade of the Mechanics Institute. This was built in 1845 on the site of a hamlet called 'Burton Leys', whose name is reflected in the modern 'Burton Street'. On the opposite side of the road is the opening into Charlotte Street, a thoroughfare completely cleared away in constructing the Victoria Station.

Milton Street from the end of which this picture is drawn was formerly called 'Boot Lane', and the lower part of Mansfield Road between Charlotte Street and Woodborough Road was known as 'Melbourne Street'.