THE RIVER TRENT during the Great Frost, 16th February, 1896

This is one of Mr. Hammond's cleverest drawings, his treatment of the great blocks of ice on the banks of the river and his reproduction of the frosty atmosphere which made the winter of 1895-6 so memorable are surely great feats of draughtsmanship.

Against the southern pier of the bridge will be seen a fire burning, one of the many that were lighted on the surface of the frozen stream, and it will be noted how the flow of the river is hampered and impeded by the ice so that it almost presents the appearance of a river in drought.

This frost was one of the most severe in living memory and it lasted for several weeks. So severe was it that in places it penetrated into the ground so deeply as to freeze the water in the service mains. Ordinary houses suffered greatly and many were completely deprived of water. To overcome this difficulty, stand-pipes fitted with taps were placed at various points in the streets, from which supplies of water for domestic purposes might be obtained. It was a time of great hardship and discomfort and one which will not be readily forgotten by those who lived through it.