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Inventor, Patentee, and Cycle Manufacturer, Works—Queen's Road, NOTTINGHAM.
THOROUGHLY typical of that section of the British race whom the late Samuel Smiles immortalised in his "Self Help," is the career of Mr. George Kay, a distinctly representative Nottingham man, whose name is intimately associated with the mechanical industries of the city in the dual capacity of inventor and manufacturer. Born in 1854, Mr. Kay, a native of the city, was educated at Trinity Schools, and showing an early inclination for mechanical engineering, and undoubted aptitude for invention, was placed as apprentice to the well-known firm of Messrs. E. Reader and Sons, engineers, of this city. Remaining with the firm for some twenty-three years, Mr. Kay worked his way steadily upwards to the position of one of the principal managers, and in that capacity had entire control of Messrs. Reader's extensive business in laying down tannery plant, representing them in nearly every leather manufactory in Great Britain and on the Continent. Turning his attention to improvements in lace-making appliances, Mr. Kay invented and patented several articles of utility in this class of machinery, of which the best known, as it is the most important, is his Patent Automatic Simultaneous Scolloper, Taper and Stitcher combined. This appliance, which, fixed to the Wilcox and Gibbs' sewing machine, dispenses with hand scolloping, is now used almost universally in the curtain manufactory trade throughout the world, having been adopted by nearly all the leading lace and curtain makers in the United Kingdom, France, Austria, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United States of America, and other countries. In 1893, Mr. Kay commenced the manufacture of cycles at works situated in Albion Street, from whence he removed to more spacious premises in Queen's Road in 1896. This consists of a commodious building of five storeys elevation, fitted up complete with all the latest and most modern plant and machine tools for the production of high-class cycles; the equipment of the plating and polishing department being especially efficient and up-to date. In particularising the more prominent features of the arrangements, our representative remarked the numerous evidences of the fact that neither trouble nor expense had been studied in perfecting the resources of the establishment, all the most recent improvements in labour saving machinery and appliances having been adopted to ensure the highest efficiency in every detail of manufacture. All the machines produced in the works bear the proprietor's appropriate initial "K," as a trade mark, very effectively reproduced in vermilion tint in the centre of a cycle wheel, which is practically recognised by its many admirers as representative of one grade quality only, and that the highest possible. On an inspection of the models on view in the new designs for the current season, we were attracted by many noteworthy features of improvement, the outcome of their maker's long practical experience, among which may be indicated graceful construction and the perfection of easy running, combined with exceptional strength and beauty of finish, which render the "K" machines an ideal mount for either lady or gentlemen riders. Mr. Kay's widespread and evergrowing reputation in each branch of industry to which reference has been made has been achieved by steady perseverance and determined effort to reach the highest standard of excellence, both in workmanship and finish, to which must be justly attributed the steadily increasing popularity of these admirable machines.
A peculiar feature of Mr. Kay's success is that it has been won without the slightest aid of meritorious or self-laudatory advertisement, his large connection having been established entirely by private recommendation, the best possible testimony to the invariable satisfaction given in every machine ordered from the works. Intending purchasers for the season will be well advised in making an inspection of the new "K" models on view at the establishment before deciding on a final selection, while those whom distance prevents taking this course, will find full particulars of the machine in a neatly got up catalogue issued as an illustrated annual. Personally, Mr. Kay is a genial and courteous man to deal with; a practical, clear-headed and clever mechanic, possessing every qualification for the conduct of an extensive manufacturing business, with whom it is always a pleasure to have trading relations, or to listen to his lucid and interesting account of early difficulties surmounted by sheer energy, perseverance and enterprise.
Fountain Buildings, Lister Gate, NOTTINGHAM.
Telegraphic Address: "Hub, Nottingham." Telephone No. 844.
WITH the opening of the season of 1898, votaries of that universally popular pastime— cycling—which includes no inconsiderable section of the sport-loving residents of the district—will have an opportunity ot renewing acquaintance with the exceptionally well-provided establishment of the George Hunt Cycle Corporation, in which are presented an unusually varied series of the latest improvements in machines, and up-to-date requisites and accessories by makers of the highest repute in the trade. First established under the title of the Osborne Cycle Corporation, in December, 1896, with Messrs. Albert Osborne and George Hunt as partners, the former gentleman retired in September, 1897, the style of the firm being altered to its present form with Mr. George Hunt as sole proprietor. At this date also Mr. Hunt acquired the local business of the Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited, of Aston Cross, Birmingham, of whose specialities he had, as we shall presently have occasion to remark, a more than passing knowledge.
The year 1897, remarkable for many reasons as commemorating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty's reign, was also signalised by the most wonderful achievement yet accomplished on the cycle, of making the great record for twenty-four hours riding on an English road. The story of this marvellous feat of pluck and endurance is graphically told in an interesting little brochure entitled " Twice round the Clock," issued by the proprietors of the Clipper tyre, from which we quote in condensed form the following account pf Mr. Hunt's performance. This may be said to have originated with the,introduction of the "Clipper Reflex" tyre in the early part of 1897. The cycling experts of the day were unanimous regarding the merits of the new tyre, and the proprietors therefore resolved to put it to the great test of a trial over twenty-four hours of English road. George Hunt, a Nottingham rider, better known at the time on the racing path than on the road, was asked to experiment, which he did, not with motor cars, but with the assistance of his fellow townsmen. Hunt had set himself a task which was considered almost impossible, namely, to improve on Holbein's marvellous motor-paced record (403½ miles), but knowing the tyres he was riding, he was confident from the first. The space at our disposal precludes a fully detailed report of this extraordinary performance, but one incident en route may certainly be placed on record as demonstrating the excellence of his equipment for the task. Passing over a rough portion of the road he punctured, an accident usually remedied by record breakers by an exchange of machines with some member of the party. Not so with Hunt. He was able, owing to the ease of attaching and detaching a "Clipper " tyre, to mend the puncture and resume his pace of twenty miles an hour, within four minutes. At the end of twelve hours Hunt had covered 224 miles, and without artificial pacing of any kind, finished his remarkable essay with a total mileage to his credit of 411½ miles in the twenty-four hours.
The Depot of the George Hunt Cycle Corporation is centrally situated in Fountain Buildings, Lister Gate, opposite the Walter Fountain, five minutes' walk from the Midland Railway Station, the premises having an attractive window frontage, and in interior arrangement and appointment lacking nothing conducive to the efficient transaction of a large agency business. A splendid show of Eadie Fittings, together with all the most improved accessories and requisites for ordinary road or racing purposes is kept in hand ; also materials for repairs, which are supplied to local makers and repairers whose requirements can be conveniently and promptly met on the shortest notice. The Corporation has also extensive workshops near at hand where all kinds of repairs are expeditiously carried out, and to these additional premises in course of erection will provide accommodation for enamelling and plating departments. In conclusion, we may be permitted to very heartily wish Mr. Hunt equal good fortune in his new venture as that he experienced in his record-breaking achievement, and that the business he now controls may " beat all previous " in sales during the coming season.