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A novel and interesting feature of the establishment may next be noted. This is a tastefully appointed show room in the form of a dark chamber, specially designed for the purpose of illustrating the effect of all kinds of electric light fittings, which by the simple turning of a switch, burst into a brilliant illumination, enhanced by the varied shades of the coloured globes, and enabling the purchaser to select the exact article required, by daylight as well as by night.
The upper floors arc occupied as store rooms for black iron goods, stoves, builders' ironmongery, agricultural and garden implements, and general stock of a heavy character.
An Avenue in Showroom.
Descending to the basement we find this portion of the establishment is occupied for the storage of bar iron, steel, sheets, etc., together with rain water goods, piping of all sizes, and similar requisites for builders.
The Company's works in Sherwood Street comprise a block of commodious premises, including the necessary accommodation for the operative and manufacturing branches. In the well-equipped workshops a first-class modern plant is maintained, and here are employed a number of skilled hands engaged in the production of ornamental wrought iron entrance gates, railings, light portable guards for shop entrances and windows, ornamental signs, wrought iron casements, balustrades, altar rails and gates, signs, grills, brackets, and constructional ironwork of every description.
The Company have also a branch established in the Cattle Market, opened about nine years ago, conveniently handy for farmers and country people, wherein we find an extensive show of all kinds of agricultural implements and machinery, utensils and other requirements in demand for every description of field and farm work. This depot is open only on market days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, and is largely frequented by those whose business brings them to town on these occasions.
A corner in the Electrical Showroom.
As one of the leading firms of heating and electrical engineers in the Midlands, Messrs. Danks and Co. have carried out many important contracts in each department, including the installation of plant for both purposes in the principal public buildings, churches, chapels, institutions, private residences, and business establishments in Nottingham and the district. In the first-named branch they make a speciality of heating by means of hot water apparatus, which by their improved system is the most healthful and efficient, and by far the most economical. Among the contracts now in progress or completed by the firm may be noted the heating of the fine new premises in course of erection in Market Street for the Constitutional and Conservative Club by the low pressure system, designed to admit the fresh air from outside and passing through radiators is delivered fresh and warm into the various rooms in the building. Similar works are also being carried out at the new Higher Grade Board Schools, and at a large Board School just erected at Greasley, near Burton-on-Trent. In the electrical engineering department they are now completing the installation of a large plant, including dynamos and high-speed engine, providing between five and six hundred lamps of 16-candle power for Messrs. Tidmas, Limited, lace manufacturers, and an installation of about similar power for the Daybrook Laundry.
Messrs. Danks and Co. also supplied all the ironwork and gasfittings for the new Empire Palace Concert Hall, and it will be remembered supplied a novel and striking feature of last year's pantomime at the Theatre Royal, in their splendid display of some 2,000 electric lights, affording a spectacle of dazzling brilliance received with popular acclaim at each representation of "Dick Whittington."
In conclusion, it only remains to add that the entire management is in the capable and experienced hands of Mr. J. N. Greenall, and that the vast establishment of Messrs. Thomas Danks and Co., Limited, is constructed on up-to-date business methods that not only deserve, but command the position of leading ironmonger of the Midland Counties.