Railways and Tramways.

Previously served by the Midland Railway and Great Northern Railway systems, Nottingham will shortly inaugurate the important extension provided by the scheme of the Great Central Railway. This improvement in transit facilities will give direct communication with the Metropolis and other parts of the kingdom, with the benefit attached of a passenger station in the centre of the town, while it will also open up districts rich in minerals and coals, to the essential advantage of Nottingham industries and manufactures.

The Leen at Basford.
The Leen at Basford.

An excellent Tramway system is also installed, giving convenient and expeditious communication with all parts of the city and the neighbouring suburbs, to which cars are constantly running throughout the day from the termini at St. Peter's Gate, Parliament Street, and the Market Place.

Plantation Side.
Plantation Side.

Every phase of British sport finds its ardent followers in the numerous denizens of the "Lace town," who pursue with keenest enjoyment cricket, football, boating, racing, golf, and, strangest anomaly, even sailing claims no inconsiderable measure of success. The latter branch of aquatics is principally fostered by the support of The Trent Valley Sailing Club," established about eleven years ago, having as its object the encouragement of boat-sailing upon the Trent and adjoining waters, of which the following brief particulars may be appropriately incorporated with the illustrations given of some of the leading vessels of the club's fleet. The headquarters of the Trent Valley Sailing Club are at a hamlet called Trent Lock, nine miles from the city, and within three-quarters of a mile of the busy junction of that name on the Midland Railway. Races are sailed on most Saturday afternoons during the summer, the club devoting some £40 to prizes—a fund frequently augmented by the presentation of silver cups and other trophies by the members and well-wishers of the sport. A handsome and commodious house-boat, owned by the club, is moored on the pretty stretch of water where the racing takes place. It may be stated for the information of sailing amateurs, that the Trent Valley Sailing Club is affiliated with the Sailing Boat Association, and races are arranged for two classes, viz.—for boats of 0.60 to 0.75 rating, and for a one-design class. The indefatigable and courteous honorary secretary, it may be added, is Mr. A. Brownsword, The Park, Nottingham.