Castle Tobacco Factory, NOTTINGHAM.

Bird's-eye view of factory premises.
Bird's-eye view of factory premises.

OWING to the large area occupied, it is difficult to obtain a  photograph that will convey an adequate idea of the dimensions of Messrs. John Player & Sons' enormous factory, but the illustration shown above will give some impression of the home of the world-renowned "Navy Cut" Tobaccos and Cigarettes.

The Castle Tobacco Factory plays a conspicuous part in the commercial enterprise of Nottingham, and some 1,600 people find happy and profitable employment within its walls. The total area of the premises, comprising Tobacco Factories, Bonded Warehouses, Saw Mills, and Offices, is 45/6 acres exclusive of the roads and causeways, the floor areas equalling some 310,000 superficial feet, or upwards of seven acres.

View of north wing of factory, fronting to Player Street.
View of north wing of factory, fronting to Player Street.

THIS imposing wing, upwards of 380 feet in length, is used as a Bonded Warehouse, and in it is stored a reserve stock of leaf averaging some 6,000 casks, equalling upwards of 2,000 tons, and representing a gross value of £850,000. It is the second largest building of its kind in the Kingdom.

View of south side of factory, fronting to Beckenham Road.
View of south side of factory, fronting to Beckenham Road.

THE portion of the Factory shown above is principally devoted to the making up of the Tobaccos and Cigarettes into the various brands now so familiar to the smoking public. In  this Department alone upwards of 800 people are employed.

The original Castle Tobacco factory, erected 1883.
The original Castle Tobacco factory, erected 1883.

THE original Factory, depicted above, was built in 1883, and then comprised some 43,948 superficial feet. When this total is compared with that shown on page 1, some idea will be obtained of the marvellous development ot this business, but despite the magnitude of the present buildings, the ever-increasing demand for the "Navy" Specialities ("Navy Cut," "Navy" Mixture, "Navy Cut" Cigarettes, Mild and Medium), renders the available space inadequate, and at the present time a gigantic wing, bigger than the original factory, is being added at a cost of upwards of £30,000.