Extracts from the Records of the Borough of Nottingham.

Continued from Transactions, 1926, pp. 108-136

By E. L. Guilford, M.A.

XXX. (Continued).

Ellen Blatherwicke to be bound apprentice with John Rollinson and Issabell his wyfe above lace weaver from henceforthe for fyve yeares. xxs. to be geven with her, thus: vs. is hand, vs. att Midsomer and xs. att Lammas nexte.

George Wise, tanner, to pay xs. towards settinge oute of apprentices, and soe to be freed from takinge an apprentice for these 7 yeares.

Henrie Parr to be bound to John Woden Whitttawer from henceforthe for Tenn yeares and to have 43s. 4d. with him, to be paied att lammas nexte.

Decimo octavo die Junij, 1638, Anno xiiii. domini Regis Caroli nunc Angli &c.

Coram Roberto Parker, Mr. Burton Aldermannis ; Mr. Dringg, Mr. Malen, Mr. Gregorie Aldermanno.

XXV. die Junij, 1638, Anno xiiii. domini Regis Caroli nunc Angli &c.

Coram Magistro Parker, Mr. James Aldermannis, Mr. Malen, Anthonio Wrighte.

Edward Whittington hathe paied xxs. to Mr. Malen and Anthony Wrighte, and is to be excused from takinge an apprentice for 7 yeares nexte ensewinge, which saied xxs. ys to be paied to John Kidneare nowe due to him att this Midsomer for William Stocks his apprentice.

Tyme is geven to John Richards, buttcher, untill the nexte meetinge to be ordered touchinge his takinge of an apprentice.

Richard Crampton, senior, to have tyme untill the nexte meetinge.

John Sherwin to pay xviis.vid. and to be freed from takinge an apprentice for 7 yeares nowe nexte ensewinge. Hee layed downe xxs. and had iis. and vid. paied him backe agane. xs. of this was paied by Mr. Malen to Robert Briggs, a smithe with Jo. Blatherwick's boy, whoe is to be bound an apprentice.

Tricesimo die Julij, 1638.

Coram Magistro Parker, Magistro James, Magistro Gregorie, Aldermannis; Magistro Malen, Magistro Dringg Magistro Wolley, Churchwardens and Overseeres for the pore.

Monday nexte appoynted to meete againe, and a warrant gone forth for the somons of howseholders to take apprentices att thatt tyme.

Sexto die Augusti, 1638.

Coram Magistro Parker, Magistro James, Aldermannis; Magistro Malen, Churchwarden; Mr. Dringg and Anthonie Wrighte, Overseers for the pore. Barnabye Warttnabye hath pd to Mr. Malen xviiis. and is freed from takinge an apprentice for 7 yeares nowe nexte ensewinge.

Thomas Hollings hathe pd xiiis. towards puttinge oute an apprentice, and is freed from takinge one for 7 yeares nexte ensewinge. John Greene, tanner, hathe pd xvs. towards puttinge oute of apprentices, and is to be freed from takinge one for 7 yeares nexte ensewinge. John Winfeild hath pd vis. and is to be freed from takinge an apprentice for 7 yeares nexte ensewinge. Ellen Blatherwicke is this day bound apprentice with John Rawlinson for fyve yeares, and hathe xxs. thus paied with her : xs. oute of John Wise his monie and xs. oute of the liis. receaved as abovesaied. The remaynder of the saied liis. is thus disposed, and all the rest receaved by these Churchwardens and Overseeres in all comes to vli iis.xd., which is thus paied.

To Joseph Cawdrill vis. viiid.
To John Woden xliiis. iiiid.
To John Kidneare xxxiiis. iiiid.
To John Rollinson xxs.
To Robert Briggs xs.
Pd. in all vli. xiiis. iiiid.

Thomas Blatherwicke bound apprentice to Robert Briggs, locksmithe, and is to have 1s. with him, viz.: xs. in hand and 40s. on St. Mathewes' day nexte, and hee is bound for viii. yeares from this day.

Receaved since by Mr. Malen to be accompted for: Of Thomas Dawson, for sufferinge Thomas Gellstropp to be disordered in his howse, xs.

Of Thomas Gellstropp, for beinge in Dawson's howse, iiis. iiiid.

Of Robert White, senior, for the like, iiis. iiiid. xvis. viiid.

Oute of which theire is owinge to Mr. Malen xviiid.

Memorandum thatt John Kidneare was this day paid xxs. in full payment for Wm. Stocks his apprentice, oute of the last xvis. viiid. and the rest added by these accomptants. Soe all former agreaments are paid, and all monies receaved is fully paid, and theire is owinge to Mr. Malen, Mr. Dringg and Anthonie Wrighte, xviiid. this day.

Mr. Malen hath xiid. from Derby men.

St. Marie's parishe. Tertio die Septembris Anno xiiii0 domini Regis Caroli nunc Angli &c., 1638.

Coram Magistro Parker, Magistro James et Magistro Burton, Ald.; Magistro Dringg, Magistro Malen et Anthonie Wrighte, Churchwardens and Overseers for the pore: Mr. Wolley.

Mr. Rich. Hurtt hath promised to take an apprentice att the nexte meetinge.

John Walker Maultster hathe pd. to Mr. Malen xvs., and is to be freed from an apprentice for vii. yeares nexte ensewinge.

John Spencer hathe pd. viis. to Mr. Malen towards puttinge oute of his apprentice, and is to be freed for vii. yeares.

John Aslyn hathe paied viiis. to Mr. Malen, and is to be freed from takinge an apprentice for vii. yeares.

Soe thatt the Churchwardens and Overseers have in theire hands xxxs. for this dayes composicon and business, oute of wh. they have paied to Antho Wrighte xviiid., in theire hands theire is nowe xxviiis. vid., and xiid. Mr. Malen had pd. him the last Session for a fine from Derby men. Soe thatt they have in theire hands xxixs. vid., wh. vid. is paied to Wm. James the Beadle for his paines in servinge the warrants.

Mr. Hurtt hathe tyme untill Christmas nexte to geve answere touchinge his apprentice.

Memorandum thatt the xxixs., withe iis. more, was pd. to John Woden wth Wydowe Parr's boy by Mr. Malen. Soe thatt nowe theere is owinge to Mr.. Malen iis. to be pd. him oute of the monies to be levyed and pd. by them thatt are freed from takinge apprentices.

St. Marie's parishe. Primo die Octobris Anno xiiii0 domini Regis Caroli nunc Regis Angli &c.

Coram Roberto Burton, Maiore ; Magistro James, Magistro Gregorie, Magistro Malen, Magistro Parker, Ald., Magistro Wolley, Anthonie Wrighte.

St. Marie's parishe. xxviii0 die Decembris, 1638, Anno xiiii0 domino Regis Caroli nunc Angli &c.

Coram Roberto Burton, Maiore ; Magistro James, Magistro Gregorie, Magistro Hardmett et Magistro Toplady, Aldermannis ; Mr. Wolley et Magistro Malen, Churchwardens.

Septimo die Januarij, 1638, Anno xiiii0 Regis Caroli nunc Angli

Coram Roberto Burton, Maiore ; Magistro James Magistro Gregorie, Magistro Nixe, Magistro Hardmett, Magistro Toplady, Mr. Malen, Mr. Dringg, Mr. Egginton, Mr. Richards, Mr. Coop, John Tomlyn, James Rotheram, Mr. Drewrie, Mr. Derbishire, Mr. Wolley, Robt. Bate, Michael Draper, Frances Hawkesley.

Att this meetinge the business for settinge the pore on worke att St. Johne's was treated on and memorandum ytt was then agreed thatt William James, the Beadle, shall undertake the same and receave the children putt unto him upon these condicons.

First hee to have xl. from the towne to make him a stocke withall, puttinge in securitie for repayment thereof att xii. monethes end.

To have the Well Close att St. Johne's in respect of these undertakings, paying xs. yearely, and to enter upon ytt att our lady day nexte, and to hould the same soe longe as the towne and hee can agree in these occasions.

To have a loade of coles yearely againste Christmas at the towne's chardge.

Wm. James to sett on worke soe manie children as shalbe sent unto him, and to fynde them dyett and lodginge duringe theire beinge with him, soe thatt they exceed nott xii. in number, and the towne to allowe him towards theire chardges of dyett xiid. a piece for everie weeke duringe the first monethe onely. And hee to have the benifitt of theere labours hee beinge carefull to teache them in some profession whereby they may be enabled to gett theire lyvinge by thatt way of workinge. And Wm. James to have from the towne some provisions for beddinge, and to deliver them upp againe to the towne when hee shalbe required in case hee doe nott proceed and contynewe in these imploymts.

And Wm. James to have allowance for thre children as shalbe sicke in his kepinge att such rate as shalbe thoughte meete by the overseers of the pore of thatt parishe from whence they come, and att the chardge of thatt parishe onely yf they bee sicke and nott able to worke. (Wm. James hathe Receaved 1s. from the towne towards the xli. promised).

Richard Tynnesley, sonne of Wydowe Tynnesley, to be putt apprentice to Thomas Wrighte, wyerdrawer and pinmaker, from henceforthe for seaven yeares, and the maister to fynde him meate, drincke, cloathes, lodginge and washinge, duringe thatt tyme.

St. Marie's parishe.Febr., 1638.

Mr. Burton, Maior ; Mr. James, Ald. ; Mr. Malen, Mr. Wolley, Churchwardens.

Richard Wattkinson hathe paied fortye shillings to Mr. Wolley, the Churchwarden, towards puttinge oute of apprentices, and is to be freed from havinge an apprentice from the towne or parishe for ever, butt onely att his owne choice and lykinge.

St. Marie's parishe. Primo die Aprilis, 1639.

Coram Maiore, Mr. James, Mr. Toplady, Mr. Malen, Mr. Wolley, Mr. Dringe.

St. Marie's parishe. Septimo die Maij, 1639.

Coram Maiore, Magistro James, Magistro Gregorie, Ezechias Reason.

John Littlefares' wyefe to have vis. from the three parishes, viz. : iis. apeice from everie parishe, towards the payment of her howse Rent for this tyme onely.

Tho. Morrice, sonne of Tho. Morrice, tanner, bound to Reginald Hallowes for 7 yeares from this day.

Quinto die Junij, 1639.

Mr. Maior, Mr. James, Mr. Toplady, Mr. Dringg, Ezechias Reason, Mr. Malen, John Sherwin, Mr. Wolley.

Wm. Draper, sonne of Nicholas Draper, bound to Mr. Burton, Maior and cordweyner, from the fifth of June, 1638, for 7 yeares, and had xxs. with him thatt was receaved from Mr. Hood to spare him from takinge an apprentice.

Joane Wayne bound apprentice to Hughe Gellston and Alice, his wyefe, for tenn yeares from this day, and hathe xxs. oute of the monies receaved from the last Mill accompte by Mr. James.

Robert Kinge, taylor, to have Josephe Hassard, sonne of Robert Hassard, for xii. yeares from this day and to have the 40s. pd. by Richard Wattkinson and 9s. vid. remayninge of the monies receaved from the last mill accompte.

Octovo die Julij, 1639.

Mr. Maior, Mr. James, Mr. Toplady Mr. Malen, Mr. Millner, John Sherwin, Ezechie Reason.

Secundo die Septembris, 1639.

Mr. Burton, Maior ; Mr. James, Mr. Toplady, Mr. Malen, Mr. Millner, Ezechias Reason.

John Parker, mercer, beinge called in to take an apprentice have agreed with the Churchwardens to pay xxs. in hand towards the puttinge oute of an apprentice and is to be freed from takinge an apprentice for 7 yeares, and the monie is paied to Mr. Malen.

Edward Midlam, glover, hathe retayned one Wm. Mather, a glover, to worke with him, and beinge called in to dischardge him, thatt hee may goe to Ashebye from whence hee came, hathe promised thatt yf hee will either packe him oute ot the towne within these tenn daies or eles will geve securitie to dischardge the towne of him, to this agreament Edw. Midlam hathe putt his hand
(Signed) Edward Midlam.

Thomas Greene, ironmonger, called in to take an apprentice, is content to pay xxs., and soe to be freed for 7 yeares, and the monie paied to Mr. Malen.

Mr. Freeman hathe compownded with this parishe for 40s. to geve securitie to dischardge the parishe and towne of Mr. Spencer's little child, nowe in his keepinge xxs. hee hathe receaved in hand, and the other xxs. to be paied when hee brings in securietie.

Memorandum, the 40s. rec. by Mr. Malen from John Parker and Tho. Greene is thus disposed: To Mr. Malen thatt is owinge him iis., To Richard Wattkinson of the 40s. rec., 10s., and the reste beinge 14s. remianes in Mr. Malen's hand.

Octavo die Octobris, 1639.

Mr. Gregorie, Maior, Mr. Burton, Mr. Toplady, Mr. Malen, Ezechias Reason.

Thomas Huthwaite hathe lefte with Mr. Malen xxxs. to be spared from an apprentice for 7 yeares nowe nexte ensewinge, butt yf att the nexte meetinge for the pore this offer be dislyked, then hee to have his xxxs. againe and to be then further ordered touchinge the takinge of an apprentice.

Wm. Jackson and Adam Jackson have paied to Mr. Malen xxviiis. towards puttinge oute of apprentices, and are promised to be freed from takeinge an apprentice or apprentices for vii. yeares nowe nexte ensewinge.

John Freeman hathe procured John Pepper to be bound for the freeinge of the towne from Joane Spencer, daughter of Henrie Spencer, deceased, and hathe receaved xxs. from Ezechie Reason and xxs. more, late of the mill monies, which makes nowe upp the 40s. promised with her.

Reginald Hallowes hath receaved from Mr. Malen xiiis. iiiid. to fynde Thomas Morrice his apprentice apparell, beinge putt to him by the towne.

Richard Newton is agreed wth by this Companie for 40s. to keepe Phillipp Hassard, sonne of Robert Hassard, and to dischardge the towne from him for ever, wh. 40s. hee hathe thus receaved xxs. from Mr. Malen oute of the monies pd; him and remayninge in his hand, and the other xxs. oute of the monies receaved from Tho. Huthwaite and Wm. and Adam Jackson, and to putt in bond to dischardge the towne.

Mr. Malen hathe nowe in his hands 19s. upon the last accompte, xxxs from Tho. Huthwaite and xxviiis. from Wm. and Adam Jackson, oute of wh. hee hathe paied. Receaved in all iiili. xviis.
To Rich. Newton, 20s.
To Reginald Hallowes, xiiis iiiid.
Soe remaines in Mr. Malen's hands att this day, 2. 3. 8., 43s. viiid.

Decimo nono die Novembris, 1639.

Coram, Willelmo Gregorie, Maiore; Magistro Burton, Ezechie Reason, Overseers for the pore; Mr. James, Alderman.
Ab. Mr. Malen. iis. Somoned to come in and have nott appeared,
lic. Mr. Millner.
lic. John Sherwin.
the first Monday in december appoynted for the nexte meetinge.

Richard Cuttler, of Leake, in the County of Nott., yeoman, hathe undertaken to dischardge the towne forever of Francis Mathewe, one of the sonnes of Roger Mathewe, deceased. Soe thatt the towne will take some coorse for the keepinge of a child lefte wth. Mathewe, and supposed to be the child of one Mr. Smithe, of Kendall. And thatt hee the saied Cuttler may be dischardged of the saied Smithe's child.

Mr. Burton )  
Nicho. Sherwin ) Testes.
Dorothie Rippon )  

Mr. Malen hathe pd. oute of the 2—3—8— xxs. to Newton for Robt. Hassard's child. Soe Newton hath receaved nowe full 40s. for the saied child, and Mr. Malen hath nowe in his hands xxiiis. viiid.

St. Marie's parishe. Secundo die Decembris, 1639.

Mr. Gregorie, Maior; Mr. Burton, Mr. James, Aldermen; Mr. Malen, Mr. Millner, Churchwardens; Ezechias Reason, John Sherwin, Overseers of the pore.

John Reckless hathe tyme untill the nexte Springe to take an apprentice, or to showe cawse then whie hee should nott take an apprentice.

Ezechie Greene and Marie, his wyefe, for xxxiis. vid. to take Elizabethe Hill, the daughter of Troth Hill, for vii. yeares from henceforthe, beinge an orphan and putt oute by the parishe.

Thomas Hall, Ironmonger, hath tyme untill the nexte meetinge to be ordered touchinge an apprentice.

Joseph Cawdrill to pay xxxs. to the Churchwardens of St. Mairie's, and to be freed from an apprentice for 7 yeares, the monie was pd. to Mr. Malen.